Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Germany

We will go over how you can make Germany in the Infinite Craft game. 

Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Germany in Infinite Craft?
Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Germany in Infinite Craft?

The expansive element combining Infinite Craft allows players to create a vast array of real and imaginary discoveries. One popular creation is the European nation of Germany. You can add Germany to your worldbuilding with the right sequence of fusions.

How to Make Germany in Infinite Craft?

How to Make Germany in Infinite Craft?

Having Germany available enables you to unlock all sorts of Germanic and historical creations, from beer to World War II. Crafting Germany requires starting with the basic elements like Water and Fire to produce more advanced building blocks. We'll outline the steps below.

Once you have Germany, you can start fusing it with other elements to generate anything from sausages to historical events to German cars. The opportunities are endless!

Step-By-Step Instructions to Craft Germany in Infinite Craft

Follow these steps precisely to create the nation of Germany in Infinite Craft:

  1. Water + Water = Lake
  2. Lake + Water = Ocean
  3. Ocean + Earth = Island
  4. Island + Earth = Continent
  5. Earth + Earth = Mountain
  6. Continent + Mountain = Asia
  7. Asia + Continent = Europe
  8. Earth + Wind = Dust
  9. Dust + Water = Mud
  10. Mud + Fire = Brick
  11. Brick + Brick = Wall
  12. Wall + Europe = Berlin
  13. Berlin + Dust = Germany

As you can see, it builds methodically from the starter elements up to the more advanced Europe and Berlin needed to produce Germany ultimately.





How to Use Germany in Infinite Craft?

How to Use Germany in Infinite Craft?
How to Use Germany in Infinite Craft?

Once you've crafted Germany, you can combine it with other elements to create interesting German-themed discoveries:

  • Germany + Time = History
  • Germany + History = Hitler
  • Germany + Japan = World War II
  • Germany + Water = Beer

The crafting possibilities are nearly endless once you unlock Germany. Get creative with the nation and see what you can design!





With this simple guide, you can add Germany to your growing collection of craftable elements in Infinite Craft. The opportunities to build up a complex world of people, places, and history are astonishing. Fire up your imagination and start crafting!

Read our other guides on Infinite Craft as well:

