Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Smoke

In this article you will get all the information on how to make Smoke in Infinite Craft.

Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Smoke in Infinite Craft
Neal Fun

Infinite Craft is a captivating PC game that allows players to combine various elements to create new items and unlock exciting possibilities. With a vast array of combinations to explore, crafting Smoke stands as one of the basic elements you would need to craft to make various other elements. In this article, you will get all the information on how to make Smoke in Infinite Craft.

How to Make Smoke in Infinite Craft

Method Step Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Result
Easiest Recipe 1 Wind Fire Smoke
Alternative Method 1 Earth Water Plant
  2 Plant Fire Smoke
Advanced Recipe 1 Earth Water Plant
  2 Plant Plant Tree
  3 Tree Wind Leaf
  4 Leaf Fire Tobacco
  5 Tobacco Fire Cigarette
  6 Cigarette Fire Smoke

This table clearly illustrates the three different methods for crafting Smoke in Infinite Craft:

  1. The Easiest Recipe: Combining Wind and Fire directly creates Smoke.
  2. The Alternative Method: Combining Earth and Water creates a Plant, which can then be combined with Fire to make Smoke.
  3. The Advanced Recipe: A multi-step process that involves creating Plant, Tree, Leaf, Tobacco, and Cigarette before finally combining Cigarette with Fire to craft Smoke.

Note: These are just a few ways of making Smoke in Infinite Craft. There can be various other ways as well. 



Crafting Possibilities with Smoke

How to Use Smoke in Infinite Craft
Neal Fun

Once you have successfully crafted Smoke, a world of crafting opportunities opens up. Smoke can be combined with various elements to create a wide range of items, such as:

  • Smoke + Plant = Incense
  • Smoke + Water = Fog
  • Smoke + Cigarette = Smoker

These are just a few examples of the many combinations possible with Smoke. Experiment with different elements and discover the exciting creations you can make!



Read our other guides on Infinite Craft as well:
