Is Rise of the Ronin a Soulslike Game?

Will the upcoming Rise of the Ronin fit the Soulslike mold?

Is Rise of the Ronin a Soulslike Game?
Team Ninja

With Team Ninja having developed brutal challenges like Nioh, it's reasonable to wonder if their new open-world samurai game Rise of the Ronin fits the Soulslike mold. While it has similarities to Soulslike games, it is different in terms of design. So, is Rise of the Ronin a Soulslike game? Here is the answer!



Is Rise of the Ronin a Soulslike Game?

The answer is no. Soulslike games usually have simple and minimalist stories with hints in the environment. However, in contrast, Rise of the Ronin goes further, offering crucial decisions affecting Japan's Bakumatsu era.

The developer also promises that Rise of the Ronin will have "critical mission decisions" with multiple outcomes, functional NPCs, and changing alliances, adding depth beyond the usual Soulslike atmosphere.

Three Distinct Difficulty Modes in Rise of the Ronin

Is Rise of the Ronin a Soulslike Game.jpeg
Team Ninja

Rise of the Ronin offers different difficulty settings. Dawn mode gives extra health and less Ki depletion for an easier experience. Twilight mode is tougher for hardcore players. Team Ninja aims to attract a wider audience by catering to both casual and loyal fans. With three difficulty options and a rich story, Team Ninja's next action RPG offers something different than a Soulslike game.



Accessible Combat in Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin's combat is inspired by Soulslike games but is more forgiving in terms of gameplay. Enemies have faster health depletion, thus making the fights shorter. The combat is still strategic but aims to be accessible to all playstyles, attracting casual players too.

Rise of the Ronin keeps the essence of Soulslike games with its dark settings and strategic combat. However, it adds adjustable difficulty, deeper storytelling, and easier combat, showing Team Ninja's goal for more innovation. This could definitely attract new players beyond the hardcore fans!
