With the official launch of Last Epoch coming on February 21st, players may encounter login issues, bugs, and the infamous 'stuck on loading screen' problem. Although the game features very beautiful loading screens, nobody wants to sit there reading the tips at the bottom indefinitely. Fortunately, there are a few fixes you can try. In this guide, we will show you different steps to fix the loading screen bug in Last Epoch.

How To Fix Stuck on Loading Screen in Last Epoch
Restart Steam
- The first simple fix to try is restarting your Steam client and the game itself. If you are stuck on the loading screen, waiting is not the answer. Restarting the game has often helped me fix this issue.
Verify Your Game Files
- It's possible for the game to have broken or incomplete installation files after a patch update. Close Last Epoch and navigate to your Steam library. Right-click the game -> Properties -> Local Files. Click on "Verify integrity of game files" and wait for the progress bar to complete. This process will replace any broken files and could potentially fix the loading screen issue.

Update Your GPU Drivers
- You may be experiencing the infinite loading screen due to outdated drivers. Visit the official website of your GPU manufacturer, whether it's Nvidia or AMD, and update your drivers.
Run Last Epoch as an Administrator
- If you are playing on Windows 11, it is always recommended to run the application as an administrator because Windows might restrict certain operations and cause issues with your game. Right-click the Last Epoch icon on your desktop and select 'Run as Administrator'.
Contact Support
- If none of the steps above work, your last resort is to submit a support ticket. Visit the official website and explain your issue to the Last Epoch support team.
And that concludes our guide on how to fix the 'stuck on loading screen' issue in Last Epoch. Often, the simplest solution is the one that resolves this issue. Simply restarting the game a few times will probably fix it. For more Last Epoch news and guides, check out the rest of our website.