Last Epoch is the latest successful ARPG game on Steam, which as of yesterday has surpassed Path of Exile's all-time peak with 258,503 concurrent players. As a fan of the genre, I really enjoy the game, but I have spent most of my playtime on the character creation screen, stuck on connecting, or receiving the LE-61 error, or the "Online is Unavailable" message. As of yesterday, there is a new Raid boss that prevents everyone from logging in - the LE-65. In this article, we will take a look at some potential fixes that have helped the community to bypass it and successfully log in to the game.

What are LE-65 & LE-61 Errors in Last Epoch?
Every error message boils down to server capacity. If more players are trying to log in than the servers can handle, you will encounter LE-61 or LE-65 error messages, followed by the "failed to connect to game server" notification. If you manage to get past it, you will either get stuck on connecting or, if you are one of the lucky ones, you might see the beautiful loading screens that the game has to offer. If you don't want to face any of these problems, here are some of the fixes that have helped me connect to the game.
Check the Server Status
Before you try any of our fixes, first check the server status. You might be running into Error LE-65 because the Last Epoch servers are down. Sometimes, they have scheduled maintenance that affects everyone. If you keep losing connection like many others, it's mostly up to the game's developers, Eleventh Hour Games, to make the game more stable.
Change the Region Server
This fix has helped me the most. Last Epoch isn't an FPS game, so playing with higher ping isn't really a problem. You might experience some rubber banding issues from time to time and possibly die, but if you aren't playing on hardcore mode, this isn't a major issue. After you open the game, change your region to a server that is less populated at the current time and press the login button. I've managed to play on the US East and US Central servers from Europe, while most of my friends remained stuck on connecting for hours. The only problem is that now everyone is using this strategy, so the server you are trying to log into might still be busy because everyone else is trying to connect to it.

Play in Offline Mode
Switching to offline mode allows you to play with characters on offline servers. This can be an effective workaround if you're encountering the LE-61 or LE-65 errors. The downside is that you cannot play with your online characters, but you can still enjoy the game. If you're not planning to play in a party with your friends and you're a fan of the Circle of Fortune faction, this is the best option.

Restart Last Epoch
Often, a simple restart of the game or your computer can solve many problems. Ensure that Last Epoch is completely shut down by closing it from the Task Manager. This easy fix might just do the trick.
Check Your Game Files
Ensuring your game files are intact can resolve issues caused by corrupted or improperly installed files. Right-click on Last Epoch in your Steam library, go to the Properties tab, and click on Installed Files. Then, select "Verify Integrity of Local Files" and wait for the process to finish. This can help resolve any file-related problems.
And that concludes everything you need to know about the LE-65 and LE-61 errors in Last Epoch. Changing the server region helped me the most, but some of the other fixes might work better for you. For more Last Epoch news and guides, check the rest of our website.