Riot has released information on their planned changes for patch 13.15, which drops on August 2nd.
These changes are aimed to freshen up the meta before the start of Worlds.
Overview of the League of Legends Patch 13.15 Notes:
Patch 13.14 introduced the second ranked split of the season, giving players another opportunity to climb to their desired Elo. Alongside the ranks reset, Riot made significant adjustments to several champions, including Zyra, Xerath, and Lissandra. While these changes are well-received, many players feel that the game has fallen into a stagnant state, calling for more fundamental adjustments to reinvigorate the meta.
In the previous patches, Riot aimed to shake up the top lane meta by buffing lesser-used champions, but most of these changes were not implemented. Now, it appears to be the right time to give those adjustments a shot.
Recent Insights and Plans from Riot
On July 24, Riot's lead game designer, Riot Phroxzon, disclosed their intentions to nerf the AP version of Kai’Sa and modify the interactions for Statikk Shiv and Night Harvester on champions like LeBlanc. They also mentioned monitoring Statikk Shiv and finding it appropriate for most users so far. Furthermore, there are plans to nerf Glacial Augment and some powerful champions like Aatrox, Ivern, and Shyvana.
Riot Raptorr, on the other hand, shed some light on their approach towards mid and jungle Naafiri. After testing various options, they decided to focus on balancing her around the mid lane first, leading to the rollback of PBE jungle-oriented changes.
The Focus on LoL Arena With the Summer event in full swing, many players are captivated by the new game mode, LoL Arena. The 2v2v2v2 format has been warmly welcomed by the community and is expected to be the highlight of the coming month. Riot has also released an Arena micropatch, which is yet to go live on servers but is scheduled to be released soon. The nerfs for this micropatch can be found at the bottom of this page, following the Patch 13.15 changes.
Anticipating the Impact on the Meta
While we do have some numerical details about the changes, it's still early to predict how the meta will be affected. One noteworthy alteration is the smite change on pets, which will benefit champions that rely on pets, such as Ivern, Annie, and Yorick – all coincidentally featured on the patch list.
Patch 13.15 Patch Notes
- Tibbers resists changed from 30 – 90 (based on rank) + 5% AP ⇒ 30 – 90 (based on level) + 0% AP
- Tibbers health changed from 1300 – 3100 (based on rank) + 75% AP ⇒ 1150 – 3500 (based on level) +50% AP
Caitlyn (buff)
- Passive crit chance ratio: 1.2 ⇒ 1.3
- R crit ratio: 2.5% damage per 10% crit ⇒ 3.5% per 10% crit
- AD growth: 3.5 ⇒ 3.8
- R on hit base damage: 5/10/15 ⇒ 20/30/40
Gwen (buff)
- HP regeneration: 8.5 ⇒ 9
- W resists: 17/19/21/23/25 + 7% AP ⇒ 22/24/26/28/30 + 7% AP
Nami (buff)
- Q damage: 75/130/185/240/295 ⇒ 90/145/200/250/310
- Passive MS: 90 ⇒100
- Passive AP Ratio: 20% ⇒ 25%
- RQ turret health: 600 – 1450 + 25-200% AP ⇒ 725 – 1525 + 50% AP
- RQ turret resists: 10 – 80 armor /25 – 65 MR ⇒ 30 – 90 for both armor and MR
- Base MR: 32 ⇒ 30
- MR growth: 2.05 ⇒ 1.30
- W ally base damage: 5 – 15 ⇒ 10 – 30
- E base shield: 80 – 220 ⇒ 85 – 245
- E shield AP ratio: 75% ⇒ 50%
- Daisy duration: 60 seconds ⇒ 45
- Daisy base health: 1300 – 3900 (based on rank) ⇒ 1000 – 4400 (+50 per level until 12, then +400 per level)
- Daisy base resists: 20 – 100 (based on rank) + 5% AP ⇒ 30 – 90 (based on level) + 0% AP
- Daisy AD AP ratio: 30% ⇒ 15% AP
- Daisy shockwave damage rescripted so that total shockwave damage is unaffected by the AD nerf
- Q AP ratio: 30% ⇒ 20%
- W cooldown refund: 77% ⇒ 75%
- Base health reduced from 670 to 640
Maokai (nerf)
- Q bonus monster damage: 100 – 180 ⇒ 80 – 160
Sejuani (nerf)
- W total damage: 50 – 230 ⇒ 30 – 210
Taliyah (buff)
- Q Damage: 45-125 ⇒ 50-130
- E Cooldown: 18-14 ⇒ 16-14
- Damage to monsters: 150% ⇒ 175%
- P shield now uses growth scaling instead of uneven scaling, numbers unchanged – Shield value will always go from 125 to 600 but stronger early on (+30 at level 3, +75 at level 6, +125 at level 9, +79 at level 16)
Yone (buff)
- W shield: 45 – 65 ⇒ 55 – 75
- Maiden health changed from 350 – 3300 (rank) + 75% HP ⇒ 400 – 1650 (level) + 60% HP
- Maiden now 10 – 50 (10 – 18 scaling) armor/MR
System Changes
- Now deals 20 – 160 damage to pets instead of regular damage (600/900/1200)
- 20% movement speed slow for 2 seconds unlocks after reaching tier 2 smite
Glacial Augment
- Zone slow: 30% (+3% per 100 AP)(+4% per 100 bAD)(+9% per 10% heal and shield power) ⇒ 20 (+6% per 100 AP)(+7% per 100 bAD)(+9% per 10% heal and shield power)
Night Harvester
- Now only triggers on auto attacks, direct spells, and pets (no longer indirect effects)
- E bonus damage ratio: 60% ⇒ 45%
- E heal ratio: 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% ⇒ 10/10.5/11/11.5/12
- Passive on-hit base damage halved
- Passive missing HP%: 15% ⇒ 10%
- Her Summoners’ Rift nerfs for the next patch will also count for the Arena game mode as well
- W on hit damage: 25 – 45 (+0.2 AD)(+0.2 AP)(+1.5% current HP, + 1% per mark) ⇒ 10 – 30 (+0.1 AD)(+0.2 AP)(+1% current HP, + 0.5% per mark)
- E missing health proc: 8% ⇒ 5%
- W bonus magic damage: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25/6% ⇒ 2/2.75/3.5/4.25/5%
- Q healing HP ratio: 0.00750 ⇒ 0.005
- Q healing per stack base: 20 ⇒ 15
- Q Healing AP ratio: 0.1 ⇒ 0.07
- E ability haste: – 30 Ability haste ⇒ – 50 ability haste
- R invulnerability duration: 2.5 seconds ⇒ 1.75 seconds
- R 40/55/70 ⇒10/20/30
- Q Total AD ratio: 75 – 115% ⇒ 60-100%
- W percent health: 6 – 10% ⇒ 4-6 %
Moonstone Renewer
- Bugfix: No longer has minor recursive chain healing
- Chain heal amount: 40% ⇒ 30%
- Chain shield amount: 45% ⇒ 35%
- Heal amount: 350 – 700 ⇒ 250 – 500
Perseverance (Augment)
- Bugfix: now correctly amps base HP regeneration instead of all hp regeneration