LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Games and Results

The League of Legends EMEA Championship has started with 10 teams looking to secure first place. We will be taking a look at all of the games and results after Week 1 of the LEC 2024 Winter Split. 

LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Games and Results
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With the start of the new and very exciting Season 14 of League of Legends, the LEC has also kicked off with a lot at stake for all of the 10 competing teams that strive towards winning it all and securing their place as one of the best competitive LoL teams this year.

The competition is fierce, and with the plethora of changes to the game, we will see a lot of new strategies, champion picks and build paths that will define the meta as we see which teams can quickly adapt to the changes in the game.

The format of the LEC for the Winter Split will follow the same format as last year, with 3 days of nonstop action every week in the Regular Season. We will be taking a look at all of the games, MVPs, and results so you can stay up-to-date with your favorite teams and see how well they are performing. 

LEC KCorp Debut
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LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Schedule

Here is the schedule for Week 1 as games are played on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We will be getting a total of 15 games per week during the Winter Regular Season. The teams played on Patch 14.1 of Season 14 in League of Legends.

LEC Week 1 Schedule
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LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Day 1 Games and Results

A lot of exciting games on the first day of the LEC as there were some unexpected performances by teams as we saw the debut of Karmine Corp, a team with some star players looking to overthrow the titans of the LEC.

Game 1 BDS vs G2 Result

A very close match as both teams showed some great plays that could have led to either team's victory.

Role  BDS Roster Role G2 Roster
Top Adam Top  BrokenBlade
Jungler Sheo Jungler Yike
Mid nuc Mid Caps
Bot Ice Bot Hans Sama
Support Labrov Support Mikyx

After a very close 29-minute game, G2 was able to seize the win with Caps taking the MVP award as his Neeko contributed a lot to their success.

BDS Champions

G2 Champions
Renekton, Nocturne, Akali, Kalista, Pyke Gwen, Vi, Neeko, Aphelios, Renata Glasc


Although BDS showed early-game dominance, G2 was able to scale up and win some crucial team fights around objectives.



Game 2 RGE vs SK

A slow game as both teams played somewhat safe throughout the entire early and mid-game, with the stakes getting higher around Baron.

Role  RGE Roster Role SK Roster
Top Szygenda Top  Irrelevant
Jungler Markoon Jungler Isma
Mid Larssen Mid Nisqy
Bot Comp Bot Exakick
Support Zoelys Support Doss

SK also had a rookie jungler take the lead as Isma had a great performance, earning the MVP award, with SK ultimately winning the 34-minute game.

RGE Champions

SK Champions
Aatrox, Lee Sin, Orianna, Varus, Rakan Gwen, Xin Zhao, Azir, Jhin, Bard

RGE does not seem very confident this early into the season as there are some weaknesses in their playstyle as the team lacks any aggressive momentum to snowball games in their favor.



Game 3 KC vs FNC

One of the most anticipated matches as Karmine Corp was deemed one of the best challengers that could take the crowns of G2 and FNC in the LEC.

Role  KC Roster Role FNC Roster
Top Cabochard Top  Oscarinin
Jungler Bo Jungler Razork
Mid Saken Mid Humanoid
Bot Upset Bot Noah
Support Targamas Support Jun

Although KC showed a lot of promise, it seems that FNC was able to take the lead as Oscarinin won the MVP award and FNC was able to win the 39-minute game after some hectic back-and-forths.

KC Champions

FNC Champions
Gragas, Jax, Azir, Lucian, Nami K'Sante, Xin Zhao, Akali, Aphelios, Milio

Although this is just the beginning of the season, KC does show a lot of potential with this roster, hopefully, the team can quickly adapt and improve in the next week.



Game 4 VIT vs GX

This game disappointed fans as there were a lot of throws from both teams. It seems that VIT is unable to get its footing as an organization with the roster struggling to maintain consistent synergy between its players.

Role  VIT Roster Role GX Roster
Top Photo Top  Odoamne
Jungler Daglas Jungler Peach
Mid Vetheo Mid Jackies
Bot Carzzy Bot Patrik
Support Hylissang Support IgNar

After a chaotic 33-minute game, GX was able to seize victory with Jackies showing an incredible performance and winning the MVP award for the match.

VIT Champions

GX Champions
Jax, Rell, Azir, Kalista, Renata Glasc
AatroxXin Zhao, Neeko, Draven, Blitzcrank

Although GX looks a little shaky, this roster is still very strong, and with the team getting a victory early into the season, this could further bolster their resolve and possibly snowball into even more wins. 



Game 5 MDK vs TH

Another match that fans looked forward to, MDK consists of a team built around Elyoya as the rookies look to further play around their jungler whereas TH brought back some of the best players the LEC has ever produced into a team that could potentially surprise people given the players' tenure.

Role  MDK Roster Role TH Roster
Top Myrwyn Top  Wunder
Jungler Elyoya Jungler Jankos
Mid Fresskowy Mid Perkz
Bot Supa Bot Flakked
Support Alvaro Support Kaiser

Following a 28-minute game, MDK surprisingly showed a very dominant performance with Elyoya earning the MVP award as MDK defeated TH

MDK Champions

TH Champions
Gwen, Xin Zhao, LeBlanc, Aphelios, Renata
Gragas, Vi, Ryze, Lucian, Nami

TH had a terrible draft as the team seemingly did not read the meta correctly thus resulting in this avoidable loss.



LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Day 2 Games and Results

The second day showed even more interesting games as all 10 teams were able to change things up in terms of champion picks and performance. 

Game 1 GX vs BDS Result

A very fun game for BDS fans as Adam was able to lock in a fan-favorite champion while GX showed a great performance on bot lane.

Role  GX Roster Role BDS Roster
Top Odoamne Top Adam
Jungler Peach Jungler Sheo
Mid Jackies Mid nuc
Bot Patrik Bot Ice
Support IgNar Support Labrov

After a nail-biting 34-minute game, Adam managed to win the MVP award as BDS secured their first win in Winter against GX.

GX Champions

BDS Champions
K'Sante, Lee Sin, Neeko, Kalista, Rell
Garen, Graves, Orianna, Varus, Ashe

The game was very fun to watch as both teams had very close fights and the Garen pick simply showed why fans love Adam as a player.



Game 2 MDK vs SK Result

This match seemed very personal for both sides, as Nisqy and Elyoya were teammates in 2023, however, their team did not see much success both in the LEC and internationally.

Role  MDK Roster Role SK Roster
Top Myrwyn Top  Irrelevant
Jungler Elyoya Jungler Isma
Mid Fresskowy Mid Nisqy
Bot Supa Bot Exakick
Support Alvaro Support Doss

Following a 30-minute game, SK was able to claim yet another win as Nisqy was able to lead the team to victory and win the MVP award.

MDK Champions

SK Champions
Poppy, Xin Zhao, Gragas, Lucian, Milio
Renekton, Rell, Akali, Kalista, Renata Glasc

This time around, MDK was unable to play around Elyoya as his aggressive plays were quickly punished by SK



Game 3 G2 vs KC Result

The match of the week, G2 set to fight KC in a very close game that could have ended either way.

Role  G2 Roster Role KC Roster
Top  BrokenBlade Top Cabochard
Jungler Yike Jungler Bo
Mid Caps Mid Saken
Bot Hans Sama Bot Upset
Support Mikyx Support Targamas

The 32-minute game ended in a very surprising way as G2 was able to ultimately win a crucial team fight and with KC's Nexus exposed from a previous Baron flip, Yike won the MVP award and led G2 to victory.

G2 Champions

KC Champions
Kennen, Viego, LeBlanc, Aphelios, Nautilus
Malphite, Vi, Neeko, Lucian, Milio

KC once again showed a lot of potential but ultimately did not have enough power to push to victory as G2 slowly choked them out of objectives.



Game 4 FNC vs VIT Result

Another rather disappointing game as the winner was decided early into the match with VIT making some crucial mistakes.

Role  FNC Roster Role VIT Roster
Top  Oscarinin Top Photo
Jungler Razork Jungler Daglas
Mid Humanoid Mid Vetheo
Bot Noah Bot Carzzy
Support Jun Support Hylissang

A very convincing win in this 30-minute game, FNC was able to seize victory with Humanoid playing his best and earning the MVP award. 

FNC Champions

VIT Champions
K'Sante, Poppy, Azir, Varus, Renata Glasc
Jax, Xin Zhao, Xerath, Lucian, Nami

It seems that VIT is still struggling to adapt to the new season as the roster needs to polish its communication and play-making skills.



Game 5 RGE vs TH Result

Possibly one of the most boring games in the LEC, both teams had drastically taken a very slow approach. 

Role  RGE Roster Role TH Roster
Top Szygenda Top  Wunder
Jungler Markoon Jungler Jankos
Mid Larssen Mid Perkz
Bot Comp Bot Flakked
Support Zoelys Support Kaiser

After a tedious 32-minute game, TH was able to finally take the lead and ultimately win the game as Jankos showed great discipline that earned him the MVP award.

RGE Champions

TH Champions
Aatrox, Maokai, Azir, Kalista, Rell
K'Sante, Xin Zhao, Akali, Varus, Bard

Kaiser was able to get 100% kill participation as he showed one of his best forms ever in this match. It looks like the TH roster has great potential when they draft accordingly.

LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Day 3 Games and Results

The third day was marked with even more surprises as all 10 teams seemed even more prepared and adapted to the new meta that is slowly starting to creep up and establish itself as the competitive-defining playstyle. 

Game 1 VIT vs BDS

A game of twists and turns as both teams were able to take the lead at various parts of the match. 

Role  VIT Roster Role BDS Roster
Top Photo Top Adam
Jungler Daglas Jungler Sheo
Mid Vetheo Mid nuc
Bot Carzzy Bot Ice
Support Hylissang Support Labrov

Despite the early-game lead by VIT, BDS was able to punish the misplays and slowly start taking over the game. Sheo was able to recover from his rough start and ultimately led the charge to victory and won the MVP award as BDS wiped out VIT

VIT Champions

BDS Champions
Rumble, Jarvan IV, Orianna, Varus, Rakan
SionXin Zhao, Azir, Jhin, Karma

Despite Photon's efforts, his team was unable to perform at the same level. Nuc's Azir was also very impactful for BDS as his ultimates decided most fights. Will VIT be able to recover after an embarrassing first week or will the organization continue to crumble under the pressure? 



Game 2 G2 vs RGE

This game took an unexpected turn as the titans of LEC seemed very indecisive in their decision-making which led to some questionable fights and exchanges.

Role  G2 Roster Role RGE Roster
Top  BrokenBlade Top Szygenda
Jungler Yike Jungler Markoon
Mid Caps Mid Larssen
Bot Hans Sama Bot Comp
Support Mikyx Support Zoelys

After punishing G2's aggression time and time again, RGE was able to quickly build a significant advantage as Comp was able to dish out tons of damage, win the MVP award and finally help RGE win their first game in LEC so far.

G2 Champions

RGE Champions
Jax, Trundle, Neeko, Aphelios, Rell
K'SanteXin Zhao, Azir, Varus, Rakan

Caps particularly had some bad fights on his Neeko as G2 seemingly gave away free kills and objectives to RGE.



Game 3 TH vs GX

This game was marked with some great plays by TH as GX seemed inconsistent in their macro rotation and objective priorization. A very clean game overall with great positioning and team fights.

Role  TH Roster Role GX Roster
Top  Wunder Top Odoamne
Jungler Jankos Jungler Peach
Mid Perkz Mid Jackies
Bot Flakked Bot Patrik
Support Kaiser Support IgNar

It seems that the veteran roster has still got it, and with Kaiser starting to look as strong as ever with his Bard that helped him secure the MVP award and win the game for TH. GX seemed way too passive this game but hopefully, things will start heating up further into the season.

TH Champions

GX Champions
Gnar, Xin Zhao, Akali, Varus, Bard
Aatrox, Sejuani, Azir, Ashe, Rakan

Hopefully, TH can keep up the momentum and continue to perform as well as they did in their last two games. GX also has a lot of potential but the roster needs to find its footing and establish a clear an concise strategy to maintain throughout their matches.



Game 4 KC vs MDK

Despite being one of the most interesting teams to perform in the LEC, KC is struggling to get a hold of their performance as a team with some small weaknesses in the roster leading to unfavorable results.

Role  KC Roster Role MDK Roster
Top Cabochard Top Myrwyn
Jungler Bo Jungler Elyoya
Mid Saken Mid Fresskowy
Bot Upset Bot Supa
Support Targamas Support Alvaro

After a shaky start for MDK, the team was able to quickly build up an advantage and secure a very convincing lead with Supa showing a brilliant performance by getting a pentakill resulting in the MVP award and victory for MDKKC is looking very shaky and some fans are already starting to worry about their next matches. 

KC Champions

MDK Champions
Jax, Xin Zhao, Azir, Caitlyn, Ashe
Akali, Sejuani, Neeko, Aphelios, Renata Glasc

It seems that the rookie team built around Elyoya is starting to pay off so it will be interesting to see how the roster develops further into the LEC this year.



Game 5 SK vs FNC

Possibly the most surprising and interesting game this week with both teams seemingly going neck in neck with multiple comeback possibilities.

Role  SK Roster Role FNC Roster
Top  Irrelevant Top  Oscarinin
Jungler Isma Jungler Razork
Mid Nisqy Mid Humanoid
Bot Exakick Bot Noah
Support Doss Support Jun

After a long 31-minute game, SK was able to get their win against FNC with Irrelevant popping off on his Jax earning him the MVP award. A fantastic performance by SK showing restraint and great macro knowledge. 

SK Champions

FNC Champions
Jax, Rell, Neeko, Draven, Renata Glasc
Renekton, Sejuani, Azir, KalistaBlitzcrank

SK is looking great this time around as many fans seemed to underestimate the team at first but now it is leading the LEC with being the only team that has not dropped a game yet.



LEC Winter 2024 Week 1 Standings

After an eventful weekend of matches, here are the standings after the first week.

LEC Winter Week 1 Standings
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We will see how the teams further adapt to the meta and learn from their mistakes as there will be a lot of possibilities for a comeback further down the line. Fans are already building expectations as to how they can expect the Winter split to pan out and which rosters will perform at MSI later in the year.
