LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Games, Results and Standings

We will briefly go over all of the matches from Week 2 of the LEC Winter 2024 Regular Season. 

LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Games, Results and Standings
Riot Games

With the start of the new and very exciting Season 14 of League of Legends, the LEC has also kicked off with a lot at stake for all of the 10 competing teams that strive towards winning it all and securing their place as one of the best competitive LoL teams this year.

The competition is fierce, and with the plethora of changes to the game, we will see a lot of new strategies, champion picks and build paths that will define the meta as we see which teams can quickly adapt to the changes in the game.

The format of the LEC for the Winter Split will follow the same format as last year, with 3 days of nonstop action every week in the Regular Season. We will be taking a look at all of the games, and results so you can stay up-to-date with your favorite teams and see how well they are performing. 

LEC KCorp Debut
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LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Schedule

Here is the schedule for Week 2 as games are played on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. We will be getting a total of 15 games per week during the Winter Regular Season. The teams played on Patch 14.1 of Season 14 in League of Legends.

LEC Week 2 Schedule
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LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Day 1 Games and Results

Another set of bangers as many surprising turns led to some fantastic matches overall.

Game 1 VIT vs RGE Result

Role  VIT Roster Role RGE Roster
Top Photo Top Szygenda
Jungler Daglas Jungler Markoon
Mid Vetheo Mid Larssen
Bot Carzzy Bot Comp
Support Hylissang Support Zoelys

Against all odds, VIT was able to secure its first win in the LEC this season as RGE struggled yet again to find its footing.

VIT Champions

RGE Champions
K'Sante, Rell, Akali, Varus, Renata Glasc

Udyr, Vi, Azir, Sivir, Rakan

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Game 2 TH vs SK

Role  TH Roster Role SK Roster
Top  Wunder Top  Irrelevant
Jungler Jankos Jungler Isma
Mid Perkz Mid Nisqy
Bot Flakked Bot Exakick
Support Kaiser Support Doss

A very convincing win from TH as they were the first team to defeat SK this season.

TH Champions

SK Champions
UdyrXin Zhao, Corki, Seraphine, Senna Rumble, Nocturne, Gragas, Aphelios, Rakan
TH Win LEC Week 2
Riot Games, LEC



Game 3 G2 vs MDK

Role  G2 Roster Role MDK Roster
Top  BrokenBlade Top Myrwyn
Jungler Yike Jungler Elyoya
Mid Caps Mid Fresskowy
Bot Hans Sama Bot Supa
Support Mikyx Support Alvaro

A very close match but G2 was able to close it out following a game-deciding Baron play.

G2 Champions

MDK Champions
K'Sante, Vi, Azir, Varus, Zyra Gwen, Viego, Neeko, Ashe, Renata
G2 Win LEC Week 2
Riot Games, LEC



Game 4 BDS vs FNC

Role  BDS Roster Role FNC Roster
Top Adam Top  Oscarinin
Jungler Sheo Jungler Razork
Mid nuc Mid Humanoid
Bot Ice Bot Noah
Support Labrov Support Jun

A very fun match, to say the least, BDS was able to show a masterclass of how to play all stages of the game.

BDS Champions

FNC Champions
Olaf, Vi, Azir, Ashe, Blitzcrank
UdyrXin Zhao, Orianna, Varus, Rell
BDS Win Week 2
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Game 5 KC vs GX

Role  KC Roster Role GX Roster
Top Cabochard Top Odoamne
Jungler Bo Jungler Peach
Mid Saken Mid Jackies
Bot Upset Bot Patrik
Support Targamas Support IgNar

Another disappointing performance by KC as this team has been doomed so far during the Winter Split. The chances are looking very slim for a comeback, as GX mopped the floor with KC.

KC Champions

GX Champions
K'Sante, Vi, Azir, Kai'Sa, Rakan
Aatrox, Xin Zhao, Akali, Seraphine, Senna
GX Win
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LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Day 2 Games and Results

The second day showed even more interesting games as all 10 teams were able to change things up in terms of champion picks and performance. 

Game 1 MDK vs BDS Result

Role  MDK Roster Role BDS Roster
Top Myrwyn Top Adam
Jungler Elyoya Jungler Sheo
Mid Fresskowy Mid nuc
Bot Supa Bot Ice
Support Alvaro Support Labrov

This game was marked with a very ambitious Kennen trying to salvage an unwinnable game, and despite all of MDK's efforts, BDS was able to sweep them dominantly.

MDK Champions

BDS Champions
Kennen, Rell, Corki, Kalista, Renata
Renekton, Vi, Neeko, Varus, Blitzcrank
BDS Win Week 2 Day 2
Riot Games, LEC



Game 2 RGE vs FNC Result

Role  RGE Roster Role FNC Roster
Top Szygenda Top  Oscarinin
Jungler Markoon Jungler Razork
Mid Larssen Mid Humanoid
Bot Comp Bot Noah
Support Zoelys Support Jun

Another very shaky performance from RGE as FNC was able to punish any bad plays and quickly establish a significant gold advantage.

RGE Champions

FNC Champions
K'Sante, Maokai, Tristana, Varus, Heimerdinger
Gwen, Vi, Orianna, Kalista, Neeko
FNC Win Week 2 Day 2
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Game 3 G2 vs TH Result

Role  G2 Roster Role TH Roster
Top  BrokenBlade Top  Wunder
Jungler Yike Jungler Jankos
Mid Caps Mid Perkz
Bot Hans Sama Bot Flakked
Support Mikyx Support Kaiser

One of the most anticipated matchups as old G2 players faced each other to prove which roster reigns supreme. However, G2 was ultimately able to defeat G3 (TH) in a rather dominant performance.

G2 Champions

TH Champions
K'Sante, Lillia, Tristana, Varus, Nautilus
Poppy, Xin Zhao, Azir, Jhin, Braum
G2 Win Week 2 Day 2
Riot Games, LEC



Game 4 GX vs SK Result

Role  GX Roster Role SK Roster
Top Odoamne Top  Irrelevant
Jungler Peach Jungler Isma
Mid Jackies Mid Nisqy
Bot Patrik Bot Exakick
Support IgNar Support Doss

SK was able to bounce back from their defeat on Day 1 as they swiftly delivered another banger match.

GX Champions

SK Champions
Kennen, Rell, Yone, Draven, Blitzcrank
Renekton, Maokai, Azir, Kalista, Alistar
SK Win Week 2 Day 2 LEC
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Game 5 KC vs VIT Result

Role  KC Roster Role VIT Roster
Top Cabochard Top Photo
Jungler Bo Jungler Daglas
Mid Saken Mid Vetheo
Bot Upset Bot Carzzy
Support Targamas Support Hylissang

In a nail-biting 40-minute game that could have gone either way, VIT was able to stick the landing after some messy fights and defeat KC in the longest game played this split so far in the LEC.

KC Champions

VIT Champions
Rumble, Lillia, Tristana, Varus, Rell
K'Sante, Maokai, Ahri, Xayah, Rakan
VIT Win LEC Week 2 Day 2
Riot Games, LEC



LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Day 3 Games and Results

The third day of Week 2 had some very exciting matches that showed just how equally matched most of the teams are so it will be a tight race to the top.

Game 1 SK vs BDS Result

Role  SK Roster Role VIT Roster
Top  Irrelevant Top Photo
Jungler Isma Jungler Daglas
Mid Nisqy Mid Vetheo
Bot Exakick Bot Carzzy
Support Doss Support Hylissang

A spectacular performance by BDS this time around as they seem to be in the best form they have ever shown with some incredible plays showcasing how much the team has grown.

SK Champions

BDS Champions
Rumble, Rell, Tristana, Lucian, Milio
K'Sante, Xin Zhao, Neeko, Varus, Blitzcrank
BDS Win Week 2 Day 3 LEC
Riot Games, LEC



Game 2 FNC vs GX Result

Role  FNC Roster Role GX Roster
Top  Oscarinin Top Odoamne
Jungler Razork Jungler Peach
Mid Humanoid Mid Jackies
Bot Noah Bot Patrik
Support Jun Support IgNar

FNC was able to cement their victory following an amazing performance by Humanoid as his Hwei lock-in was instrumental to the match.

FNC Champions

GX Champions
K'Sante, Xin Zhao, Hwei, Kalista, Renata
Udyr, Maokai, Tristana, Varus, Ashe
FNC Win Week 2 Day 3 LEC
Riot Games, LEC



Game 3 MDK vs RGE Result

Role  MDK Roster Role RGE Roster
Top Myrwyn Top Szygenda
Jungler Elyoya Jungler Markoon
Mid Fresskowy Mid Larssen
Bot Supa Bot Comp
Support Alvaro Support Zoelys

MDK was able to very easily defeat RGE as it seems that Larssen and Markoon are unable to synergize well enough. 

MDK Champions

RGE Champions
K'Sante, Viego, Akali, Aphelios, Blitzcrank
Aatrox, Vi, Twisted Fate, Lucian, Milio
MDK Win Week 2 Day 3 LEC
Riot Games, LEC



Game 4 VIT vs G2 Result

Role  VIT Roster Role G2 Roster
Top Photo Top  BrokenBlade
Jungler Daglas Jungler Yike
Mid Vetheo Mid Caps
Bot Carzzy Bot Hans Sama
Support Hylissang Support Mikyx

A very clean performance by VIT as it seems the team was able to find its confidence and establish a clear strategy to win without falling victim to ludicrous engages.

VIT Champions

G2 Champions
K'Sante, Maokai, Akali, Aphelios, Blitzcrank
Yone, Vi, Tristana, Seraphine, Sona
VIT Win Week 2 Day 3 LEC
Riot Games, LEC



Game 5 TH vs KC Result

Role  TH Roster Role KC Roster
Top  Wunder Top Cabochard
Jungler Jankos Jungler Bo
Mid Perkz Mid Saken
Bot Flakked Bot Upset
Support Kaiser Support Targamas

TH did not face many difficulties in defeating KC, as the French organization has been deemed one of the most disappointing debuts in the LEC history thus far.

TH Champions

KC Champions
K'Sante, Jarvan IV, Azir, Draven, Milio
Sion, Lillia, Corki, Aphelios, Lulu
TH Win Week 2 Day 3 LEC
Riot Games, LEC



LEC Winter 2024 Week 2 Standings

Here are the standings after all of the matches in Week 2 of the Winter Split:

  1. BDS (5-1)
  2. FNC (4-2)
  3. G2 (4-2)
  4. SK (4-2)
  5. TH (4-2)
  6. MDK (3-3)
  7. VIT (3-3)
  8. GX (2-4)
  9. RGE (1-5)
  10. KC (0-6)

Things are only starting to heat up in the LEC as the race seems as close as ever with any of the top 5 teams being able to win it all. We are certainly set for some more bangers in Week 3 so stay tuned.
