LEGO Fortnite December 13 Update: Weapons & Tools Buffed

Epic Games have just released a new update to LEGO Fortnite, which will buff all the weapons and tools in the game. Here is everything you need to know!

LEGO Fortnite December 13 Update: Weapons & Tools Buffed
Epic Games

LEGO Fortnite has been a huge hit in the gaming community this December. From the new LEGO skins to the depth of the survival game mode, Fortnite is back better than ever. In this new game, you are able to farm materials, expand your village, and the only limit is your own imagination.

One issue players have had in this game mode is how fast their weapons and tools break shortly after creating them. Epic Games has listened to the feedback and cooked up an update, which will help address these issues. In this article, we are going to go over everything new in the latest LEGO Fortnite update!

LEGO Fortnite Weapon Buffs
Epic Games



LEGO Fortnite Weapons And Tools Durability Increased

In a tweet by LEGOFN_Status (the official service updates account for LEGO Fortnite), Epic Games has confirmed that the durability of all tools and weapons has been increased by 30%. Many players have been struggling with the durability mechanic, with weapons and tools breaking really quickly after they were made.

This update is going to alleviate a lot of these issues and make the crafting and farming aspect of the game a lot smoother. Here is the full tweet:

Builders - we've heard your feedback and have buffed the max durability of all tools and weapons by +30%!

Please note, items you've already crafted may appear more damaged, since we increased the max durability they have.

Newly crafted items will have the new, higher max!



It's also worth noting that this update did not require any downloading and was a simple hotfix. As stated in the tweet, your current weapons might also appear more damaged than they are, as their entire 'health pool' has been increased. We expect a lot more of these fixes over the next few months as LEGO Fortnite is now a permanent game available to players.

That was everything you need to know about this quick update to LEGO Fortnite. May your weapons be stronger than ever in the never-ending survival sandbox of LEGO Fortnite.
