LoL 14.6 Patch Notes Preview: Champion and Item Changes

Here are all of the upcoming changes in League of Legends Patch 14.6.

LoL 14.6 Patch Notes Preview: Champion and Item Changes
Riot Games

In this article, you'll be able to get an early look at the upcoming changes in LoL Season 14 Patch 14.6. League of Legends will go through a lot of champion buffs, nerfs, and adjustments along with item and other system changes.

Rioter Phroxzon confirmed this information on Twitter. We thank him for the updates. Keep in mind this might not be the final version of the patch.

LoL Patch 14.5 Preview
Riot Games



LoL 14.6 Patch Champion Buffs



Feral Scream

Feral Scream (W)

  • Cooldown: 13-9 ⇒ 11-9
Vorpal Spikes


Vorpal Spikes (E)

  • Spike Damage: 22-70 ⇒ 22-82


Making Ornn items is technically difficult than for Riot, to the point that it's unsustainable for them to keep making them in the manner that they have been doing it. Riot needs a new system for making Ornn items. While they're working on them, they're giving him a buff.

Searing Charge

Searing Charge (E)

  • Cooldown: 16-12 ⇒ 14-12


Ki Barrier

Ki Barrier (Passive)

  • Cooldown Refund: 4-7.5, linear level scaling, buffs levels 2-17, especially 8-16



Decimating Smash (Q)

  • Min Damage: 40-120 (+ 45-75% tAD) ⇒ 40-120 (+ 40-80% tAD)
  • Max Damage: 90-350 (+ 135-225% tAD) ⇒ 90-350 (+ 120-140% tAD)
Soul Furnace

Soul Furnace

  • Shield: 60-160 (+ 8-12% Max HP) ⇒ 60-120 (+ 8-16% AD)


Tryndamere will receive a buff in Patch 14.6. Similarly to Sion, Trynda is suffering from a low win rate and maybe this will give him a much needed boost.

Attack Speed Growth: 2.9% ⇒ 3.4%



Attack Speed Ratio: .625 ⇒ .694
Attack Speed Growth: 2.25 ⇒ 2%, lv 1 AS Unchanged

Moonsilver Blade

Moonsilver Blade (Passive)

  • Attack Speed: 15-40% every 3rd level ⇒ 15-35% scaling linearly
  • Active Attack Speed: 3 sec ⇒ 5 sec


LoL 14.6 Patch Champion Nerfs



Base Changes:

  • Mana Growth: 50 ⇒ 40
  • Mana Regen Growth: .5 ⇒ .8
Gathering Fire

Gathering Fire (P)

  • Passive Ult Cooldown Refund: 5 sec ⇒ 4 sec
Inner Flame


Inner Flame (Q)

  • Mana cost: 45 ⇒ 40 - 80

Inspire (E)

  • R+E Bonus Shield: 25-175 +45% AP ⇒ 50-170 +45% AP

Mantra (R)

  • Cooldown: 40-31 ⇒ 40-34


Head Rush


Head Rush (Q)

  • Can now jump to Wards
Blood Frenzy


Blood Frenzy / Snack Attack (W)

  • Heal: 25-45% of dmg ⇒ 24-40% of dmg
  • Attack Speed: 55-115% ⇒ 54-110%
Certain Death

Certain Death (R)

  • Damage: 150-140 +50% bAD ⇒ 150-350 +50% bAD


Riot underestimated the Smolder changes in the last patch, especially how much the E damage did in particular. The hotfix nerfs pulled him back halfway, but the team is looking to pull back a bit more, similar to his previous power level, but with the feels improvements from the changes. Smolder is certainly in frustrating territory right now, but Rioters think that's mainly due to his power level exacerbating an otherwise balanceable champion, rather than due to any specific unbalanceable underlying issue, such as true damage, scaling, etc.


Super Scorcher Breath (Q)

  • 225 stack execute threshold: 7.625% + 0.025% ⇒ 6.5%, no scaling


Achooo! (W)

  • Missile width: 125 ⇒ 115


Flap, Flap, Flap (E)

  • Bonus movement speed: 100% ⇒ 75%


Mist Wraith pawn rate on minion kill: 8.333% ⇒ 2.8%



Thundering Smash


Thundering Smash (Q)

  • Movement Speed: 12-32% ⇒ 12-28%


  • Cooldown: 130-100 ⇒ 140-100


Base Health: 670 ⇒ 640

Barrel Roll

Barrel Roll (Q)

  • Mana Cost: 80-60 ⇒ 80

LoL 14.6 Patch Champion Adjustments



Base Changes:

  • Health Growth: 126 ⇒ 114
  • Move Speed: 335 ⇒ 340
Colossal Smash


Colossal Smash (P)

  • Cooldown is reduced by 3 sec when hitting champions or monsters with abilities, once per cast.
  • Attack Gains 40% Attack Speed
  • Base Damage: 15-200 ⇒ 15-115
  • AP Ratio: 50% ⇒ 40%
Winds of War


Winds of War

  • Cooldown: 12-8 ⇒ 12-7
  • AP Ratio: 75% ⇒ 70%
Shield of Durand


Shield of Druand (W)

  • Damage Reduction: 25-35% (+ 5% per 100 AP) (+ 12% per 100 bonus MR) 20-40% (+ 4% per 100 AP) (+ 8% per 100 bonus MR) (+ 1% per 100 HP)
  • Base Damage: 20-80 ⇒ 20-60
Justice Punch

Justice Punch (E)

  • Base Damage: 90-250 ⇒ 75-235
  • Non-champ damage: 50% ⇒ 80%

Galio's builds have trended towards heavy glass cannon ever since the new item changes. Riot will make his pattern more fun and with more spellcasts, while being a bit more durable. His mid will be kept powerful and not move his primary role to support, but he won't be as strong as he used to be.



Reaping Slash


Reaping Slash (Q)

  • Locks out items during animation (Profane Hydra)
Reaping Slash Rhaast


Reaping Slash - Rhaast (Q)

  • Damage : 65% total AD + 5% (+ 3.5% bonus AD) Target Max HP ⇒ 65% total AD + 6% (+ 3.5% bonus AD) Target Max HP
Umbral Trespass

Umbral Trespass (R)

  • Base/Assasin Damage: 150-350 + 175% bAD ⇒ 150-350 bAD + 150% bAD
  • Non-champ damage: 50% ⇒ 80%



LoL 14.6 Patch Item and System Buffs

Infinity Edge


Infinity Edge

  • Crit Dmg: 40% ⇒ 50% 
Lord Dominik's Regards


Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Armor Penetration: 30% ⇒ 35%
Mortal Reminder


Mortal Reminder

  • Armor Penetration: 30% ⇒ 35%
Navori Quickblades


Navori Quickblades

  • AD: 60 ⇒ 65
  • Recipe: Pickaxe was replaced by BF Sword. The cost is unchanged.

LoL 14.6 Patch Item and System Nerfs

  • Epic Items: Most of them have been nerfed to 100-110% gold efficiency 
  • Support Items: Active gold reduced 25%, Target quest 500/1000 ⇒ 400/800


Solstice Sleigh

  • Buff Duration: 3 sec ⇒ 2 sec
  • Movement Speed: 25 sec20 sec

Rumored (Non-confirmed) Nerfs:

Kircheis Shard

Kircheis Shard

  • Energize Damage: 60 ⇒ 50
Hextech Alternator


Hextech Alternator

  • AP: 50 ⇒ 45
Kircheis Shard

Kircheis Shard

  • Energize Damage: 60 ⇒ 50



  • Lethality: 8 ⇒ 5


  • Cost: 1100 ⇒ 1150 
Haunting Guise


Haunting Guise

  • AP: 35 ⇒ 30
Fiendish Codex

Fiendish Codex

  • AP: 35 ⇒ 25
Caulfield's Warhammer


Caulfield's Warhammer

  • AD: 25 ⇒ 20


LoL 14.6 Patch Items and System Adjustments

  • Voidgrubs: Decaying Heal on Death
  • Dorian's, Atlas, Jungle Eggs: Tagged as 'Starting Items' and can't be bought together

Rumored (Non-confirmed) Adjustments:

Serrated Dirk

Serrated Dirk

  • Lethality: (Reverted) 7 ⇒ 10
  • AD: 25 ⇒ 20 
Spectre's Cowl

Spectre's Cowl

  • Recipe: Rejuvenation bead added. The cost is unchanged
  • Health: 250 ⇒ 200
  • Health Regen: 150% ⇒ 100%
  • Health Regen is now flat, instead of being based on damage taken.
Steel Sigil


Steel Sigil

  •  Recipe: Second cloth armor added. The cost is unchanged. 
Hearthbound Axe


Hearthbound Axe

  • Cost: 1200 ⇒ 1150
  • AD: 20 ⇒ 15 
Glacial Buckler


Glacial Buckler

  • Cost: 900 ⇒ 950
  • Recipe: Glowing Mote added. Cloth and Sapphire are unchanged. 
Bami's Cinder


Bami's Cinder

  • Damage: 12 ⇒ 13
  • Health Ratio: 1% bonus HP ⇒ .5% bonus HP


When does LoL Patch 14.6 Go Live?

Patch 14.6 will be launched in League of Legends on March 20th. It will bring quite a lot of new skins and the High Noon Event. Looking at the patch so far, it seems like ADCs will be getting a huge itemization buff. 
