You can check out Smolder's entire kit of abilities and learn more about the champion in our newest article, here.
League of Legends' newest Champion will be a Dragon ADC as Riot Games released the first teaser for Smolder. Smolder will most likely be released either in early Season 14 or later down the road, but we will get even more information from Riot Games as time goes on.
Not only are the players brimming with excitement for the upcoming changes in League of Legends, but it looks like there is even more to expect as the season progresses.
LoL Smolder New Bot Lane Champion
Smolder will probably be added to the PBE in a week or so, followed by his official release on live servers in two weeks, however, we have yet to see any confirmation regarding the date of release. Here are some stills from the teaser that was dropped recently.
Smolder will probably be added to the PBE in a week or so, followed by his official release on live servers in two weeks, however, we have yet to see any confirmation regarding the date of release.
Many players are already speculating what his abilities will be, as it seems that there are not many dragon champions in League of Legends.
Since Smolder will be an ADC we can expect that the kit will be compromised of mostly damaging abilities with some flair added like a dash or mobility-enhancing aspects that could potentially scale with his items or levels.
Community Reaction
It seems that the initial reaction to the new League of Legends champion is mixed, as some players love the fact that we will be getting a new dragon champion.
Whereas others are not enjoying the design, especially the human face.
For what it's worth, League of Legends does have a lot of champions, and it seems that Riot Games is looking to create even more champions down the line, when many older champions are in desperate need of a VGU, like Shyvana for example.
All in all, we are looking forward to what Smolder's kit will consist of, as with the rather ambitious release of Hwei, we might see Rioters tone down this new champion's kit to favor a more simplistic but still fun playstyle. You can watch the entire teaser, here.