Amid numerous champion tweaks designed to balance play at the professional level, patch 13.19 is set to spell the end of AD LeBlanc, referred to by prominent voices in the LoL community as an 'abomination' that should've been dealt with by Riot weeks ago.
Here's a snapshot overview of the penned changes:
Key Champion Nerfs:
- Azir
Nerfs to Azir's Q ability via a cooldown increase at earlier levels is intended to limit his viability in pro play leading up to Worlds, a questionable balancing choice given Azir's subpar win rates in PUB play.
Q - Conquering Sands
- Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 seconds ⇒ 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
- Briar
Nerfs galore! As one of the newest champs on the rift, Briar remains in a state of flux. After a wave of hotfix buffs, Riot are dialling back her out-of-control snowball potential with nerfs to attack speed, W healing, percentage health damage, and more!
Base Stats
- Attack Speed Growth: 2.5% ⇒ 2.3%
Q - Head Rush
- Logic Update: Q is now properly tagged as an attack reset for interactions like Hail of Blades
W - Blood Frenzy
- Show Me the Fury: Added a Fury Bar to display the remaining duration of Frenzy
- Tooltip Update: W - Blood Frenzy's tooltip now clarifies that casting W does not remove or replace the empowered Blood Frenzy granted by R.
W - Snack Attack
- Healing: 35/42.5/50/57.5/65% ⇒ 36/42/48/54/60%
- Increased Damage Against Minions and Monsters: 20% ⇒ 10%
- Maximum Percent Missing Health Damage Against Minions and Monsters: 500 ⇒ 400
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the percent missing health damage to be able to critically strike.
- Slow Down There: Added a short minimum cooldown after casting Snack Attack to prevent double casts with high haste builds.
E - Chilling Scream
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug where knocked back enemies would sometimes not be stunned after hitting player-created terrain.
R - Certain Death
- INCOMING!: Pinging R now tells teammates which enemies are in range.
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug where Briar would become stuck attacking the wrong targets if Certain Death's target died during the cast time.
- Challenges: Briar is now properly tagged as a Noxian champion for Challenges.
- Item Recommendations: Briar's recommended items have been updated.
- Rune Recommendations: Briar's recommended runes have been updated.
- LeBlanc
AD LeBlanc is a thing of the past! But at what cost? With mass nerfs to LeBlanc's attack speed, attack damage growth, mana growth, and mana regeneration, these nerfs will badly damage both AD and AP LeBlanc, with only minor buffs to LeBlanc's W and E scaling to compensate.
Base Stats
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.625 ⇒ 0.4
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.4% ⇒ 2.2%
- Attack Damage Growth: 3.5 ⇒ 2.7
- Mana Growth: 55 ⇒ 25
- Mana Regeneration Growth: 1 ⇒ 0.8
W - Distortion
- Magic Damage: 75/115/155/195/235 (+60% AP) ⇒ 75/115/155/195/235 (+65% AP)
E - Ethereal Chains
- Magic Damage from Initial Cast: 50/70/90/110/130 (+30% AP) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+35% AP)
- Rek'Sai
A batch of nerfs to Rek'Sai's passive, Q damage, and W bonus movement speed, looking to reel this jungler back mostly in high-level and professional play while keeping her a solid pick in most PUBs.
Passive - Fury of the Xer'Sai
- Maximum Heal when Burrowed: 15-125 (+2-12% maximum health (increases every 3 levels)) ⇒ 10 (+2-10% maximum health (increases each individual level))
Q - Queen's Wrath
- Bonus Physical Damage: 34/38/42/46/50% Total AD ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50% Total AD
W - Burrow
- Bonus Movement Speed: 15/20/25/30 (levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 5/10/15 (levels 1/6/11)
W - Un-burrow
- Physical Damage: 50/65/80/95/110 (+80% Bonus AD) ⇒ 50/85/120/155/190 (+80% Bonus AD)
- Renekton
Nerfs to Renekton's base magic resistance aims to hamper Renekton's dominance vs. AP champions, such as Gwen and Kenned, while furthering Rumble's edge in the matchup. Don't sweat this change too hard. The crocodile is still great!
Base Stats
- Base Magic Resistance: 32 ⇒ 28
- Zeri
A movement speed decrease. Ouch. Another pro play nerf that will badly impact the majority players just trying to enjoy their PUBs... You could always start maining Jhin?
Base Stats
- Base Movement Speed: 335 ⇒ 330
Key Champion Buffs:
- Galio
With a 20 second reduction to Galio's R cooldown, developers hope to encourage more mid lane Galio gameplay where he is currently weak in all ranked brackets.
R - Hero's Entrance
- Cooldown: 200/180/160 seconds ⇒ 180/160/140 seconds
- Gangplank
Mass buffs for a top laner the Riot devs believe is falling behind the curve (at a 48% win rate across all brackets). These buffs center around GP's ultimate, with a cooldown reduction, increased slow effect, and a 10% buff to the 'Raise Morale' movement speed boost.
R - Cannon Barrage
- Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds ⇒ 170/150/130 seconds
- Upgrade - Death's Daughter Slow: 60% for 1 second ⇒ 75% for 1 second
- Upgrade - Raise Morale Movement Speed: 30% for 2 seconds ⇒ 40% for 2 seconds
- Jhin
Another round of Jhin buffs, and this one is massive. Jhin's R is getting an approximate 25% damage boost at all ranks, making him a hot favorite to surge in the meta and become a favored main champ for ADC enthusiasts at all ranks!
R - Curtain Call
- Minimum Physical Damage: 50/125/200 (+25% total AD) ⇒ 64/154/244 (+25% total AD)
- Lee Sin
Right on time for Worlds we have the Lee Sin buffs! Devs cite Lee's struggles across all skill brackets as the reason behind buffs to his base armour and W scaling.
Base Stats
- Base Armor: 34 ⇒ 36
W - Iron Will
- Lifesteal and Spell Vamp: 5/10.5/16/21.5/27% ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26%
E - Tempest
- Magic Damage: 35/65/95/125/155 (+100% AD) ⇒ 35/60/85/110/135 (+100% AD)
- Lissandra
More pre-Worlds buffs roll in next for Lissandra, with a significant boost to her W root duration. We'd recommend you start maining Lissandra right now, with many voices in the community already calling Liss 'overbuffed.'
W - Ring of Frost
- Root Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.25/1.35/1.45/1.55/1.65 seconds
- Nunu & Willump
It's AP Nunu time! AP ratio buffs to Nunu's E make for glorious news for every one-trick out there, though we would still not quite recommend this build style over the standard tank Nunu for the average Joe.
E - Snowball Barrage
- Magic Damage per Hit: 16/24/32/40/48 (+10% AP) ⇒ 16/24/32/40/48 (+15% AP)
- Maximum Total Magic Damage: 144/216/288/360/432 (+90% AP) ⇒ 144/216/288/360/432 (+135% AP) (Note: Including the damage upon rooting an enemy, this totals to 164/246/328/411/492 (+215% AP))
- Pyke
Buffs to Pyke's health growth and his W's cooldown should make him less of a fragile squish in the mid and late game.
Base Stats
- Health Growth: 104 ⇒ 110
W - Ghostwater Dive
- Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- Syndra
A minor magic damage boost to Syndra's Q is commonly touted as another buff for pro play. Syndra is currently perched at a near 50% win rate across all brackets, so we are inclined to agree! Abuse this champion now.
Q - Dark Sphere
- Magic Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+70% AP) ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP)
- Twitch
With many champs able to almost outpace Twitch's R projectile speed, it has been boosted by 25%. No more runaway Ghost enjoyers outrunning your arrows!
R - Spray And Pray
- Missile Speed: 4000 ⇒ 5000
Item & System Changes:
- Randuin's Omen
Cost decreased from 3000 to 2700. Definitely not the strongest item in the world, but hey, at least it's cost is beginning to reflect that?
- Total Cost: 3000 ⇒ 2700
- Seeker's Armguard
An armor boost from 15 to 20! Not a bad choice now for AD mains vs. the likes of Qiyana, Zed, or Talon matchups. Give it a shot. If it doesn't feel impactful, you can always swap back to rushing your mythic.
- Armor: 15 ⇒ 20
- Statikk Shiv
After a recent buff to this item's stat profile, a 25% nerf to Shiv's electroshock damage vs. minions is meant to dial back its power level on the likes of LeBlanc.
- Electroshock Damage to Minions: 200 ⇒ 150
Final Thoughts:
Patch 13.19 is changing everything. At GameLeap, we offer hundreds of in-depth video guides teaching you to master every champion in League of Legends. Check out our library via the link in the description below to get started!
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