League of Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and with Season 14 on the horizon many players are very excited to try out the new items and map objectives, but that does not mean you still don't have time to reach your desired rank, so we will provide you with the best top lane champions you can pick to win games. Please keep in mind that this tier list is for players wanting to reach Diamond.
We will be going over some highlights so you can get a glimpse of what are the best champions in the meta to help you gain some LP before the season ends. Let's jump into the action!

LoL Patch 13.24b C Tier Top Laners

Swain faces a lot of difficulties when fighting bruisers as hit current state does not provide enough relevancy to solo carry games.

Yasuo struggles against certain matchups but despite his kit being good, you will rarely go unpunished for picking him.
LoL Patch 13.24b B Tier Top Laners

Dr. Mundo
Despite being a good side lane bully, he does not have adequate teamfighting and split-pushing capabilities.

While you have a more versatile kit, your numbers do not match most of your matchups and that makes him quite weak in the current meta.
LoL Patch 13.24b A Tier Top Laners

Shen can be quite a menace in the lane, but his kit does not enable him to solo carry games. Although your ultimate allows you to help your team with crucial fights while you split-push, his overall agency is shadowed by that of other bruisers.

He is no longer a great blind pick as some of his matchups can deny him any relevancy in the lane, thus bringing out his weak scaling capabilities.
LoL Patch 13.24b S Tier Top Laners
These champions have minimal counterplay hence their placement so high on the list.

Aatrox remains a very solid pick, although the prevalence of Fiora, Riven, and Camille can easily counter his laning phase.

K'Sante has been a hot topic throughout Season 13, and with Riot Games constantly adjusting this champion, it is safe to say that he is an okay-ish spot, but he still requires a high level of mastery to maximize his damage and utility.

Not only does Singed deal a lot of damage, his innate tankiness and sustainability allow him to scale amazingly and roam. He does require some getting used to due to his odd kit, but he can be a lot of fun to play and he can land you some easy LP in the meantime.

One of the best fighters to carry games, Riven struggles with having a somewhat more difficult kit in comparison to Fiora, however, once you get some basic understanding, you can deal with most matchups.
LoL Patch 13.24b Broken Tier Top Laners

Nasus has been a sleeper pick for quite some time, and with the meta shifting more favorably to his playstyle, you can easily win games by split-pushing and scaling until you become an unstoppable monster.

Although Jax can struggle against counter-picks, his insane damage allows him not only to split-push if left unchecked, but his dueling capabilities vastly outmatch every other top laner currently.

If you would like to play Malphite you will need to ban Sylas at all costs. Malphite has a very easy laning phase and his ultimate enables you to control the pace of a teamfights and potentially win almost every skirmish.

An amazing pick for the top lane, Fiora excels at split-pushing, bullying enemies, teamfighting, you name it. Once you pick up a Hullbreaker, make sure to capitalize on the amount of pressure you exert so that your team can easily contest objectives.

Not only is Garen a very easy champion to play, his damage is incredible, allowing him to solo kill almost every champion. You can easily get some LP whilst decimating almost every matchup.

Similar to Fiorat, Camille has a great laning phase, can easily split push and her kit can easily set up ganks. Once you get to know her basic damage rotations and trades, you can reliably win your lane and secure vast leads if you are left unchecked.
This patch has been dominated by bruisers and although there are a few cracks, you will be better off abusing the meta picks to gain easy LP, otherwise the enemy team will be able to make use of how busted champions like Camille, Garen, and Jax are currently.
With Season 2024 coming in January, we can expect major shifts in terms of meta and map strategies so stay tuned as we will be providing even more helpful information and guides to help you win in solo queue. If you would like to learn more about this tier list, make sure to check out our extensive video, here: