LoL Tier List Patch 13.23: Best Top Lane Champions To Main

We will be talking about the best meta picks in the top lane for League of Legends Patch 13.23 so you can climb the solo queue ladder much faster

LoL Tier List Patch 13.23: Best Top Lane Champions To Main
Riot Games

We will be going over the best and not-so-great champions in League of Legends Patch 13.23 to figure out which picks will allow you to rank up faster in the current meta. We will examine weaknesses and provide additional information as to why we think certain champions are great right now. We will also consider what champions are great at split pushing as the new turret gold changes will heavily affect the upcoming season.

This tier list will help you get a better understanding of how the top lane meta currently punishes or rewards players depending on their picks as well as give you a better understanding of how certain champions can help you gain LP more consistently. Let's get started!



League of Legends Patch 13.23 C Tier Top Lane Champions

Most champions in C Tier have very niche matchups that require a lot of game knowledge and preparation to make them viable but in comparison to other champions higher up in the list, it is not worth playing them for fast LP gains.



This champion excels as a counter-pick, however, this limited playstyle does not translate well into tough matchups or even justify picking him consistently as he can fall behind very easily.



Players who pick Yasuo need to be aware of just how squishy the champion is and should you fail to gain a lead, you might be effectively useless in the later stages of the game.



League of Legends Patch 13.23 B Tier Top Lane Champions

Champions in the B Tier are stronger than those in the C Tier as they do have more winning potential, however, they still require specific matchups in order to shine and have more impact in the game.



The nerfs finally got to this top lane bully as his win rate has drastically fallen to 46.24%. It seems Riot Games is struggling to balance this champion as although his kit requires a lot of mastery in order to make full use of it, he can still be a large threat if left unchecked.



Gnar has great potential as this champion can determine the outcome of a team fight by getting a great ultimate onto the enemy team, but the inconsistencies in regard to his passive make it hard to be always available to go into Mega Gnar form. His laning phase can be quite oppressive against certain champions, but overall he simply needs a lot of preparation in order to get the most out of his abilities.



League of Legends Patch 13.23 A Tier Top Lane Champions

Champions in this tier have great strengths but can be very easily punished as their weaknesses simply outweigh the net positives in tough matchups.



An amazing fighter but if your opponent is able to stop you from gaining a significant lead, this champion simply gets out scaled. 



Although Sion has some unplayable matchups, if he is able to gain an advantage in the lane, he will simply dominate the game due to his incredible scaling potential and split pushing capabilities.



League of Legends Patch 13.23 S Tier Top Lane Champions

Champions in this tier have incredible 1v9 potential as their kit allows them to wipe the floor with every player who underestimates their power. Some champions in this tier list require a good amount of mechanics to master, but overall they are excellent picks into most matchups.



The recent buffs to her abilities have allowed her to return to her former glory as a great top lane fighter capable of wiping the floor with your opponents should you take the time to invest in how her abilities can be combined with her auto attack animation cancels. 



The changes to the meta have shifted this champion from Broken Tier to S Tier as champions like Jax, Camille, and Fiora currently outshine him. He still is a very strong pick and can become a monster if left unchecked.



League of Legends Patch 13.23 Broken Tier Top Lane Champions



Great scaling from Divine Sunderer, good into most matchups, and has great 1v9 carry potential. You are rewarded for your knowledge of her mechanics, and her skill ceiling is not as high as other champions. Her split pushing is also a force to be reckoned with.



Another fantastic split pusher as his kit allows him to very easily win 1v1s or even 1v2s once he gets three items. The map pressure he offers can allow your team to contest neutral objectives and even bait out important enemy players to try and stop him from tearing down the enemy base.




Surprisingly, this easy-to-pick-up champion has become quite the oppressive top laner. His simple kit, combined with his great stats and damage make the champion very strong as he can one-shot unsuspecting enemies and even has more split pushing capabilities. 



An amazing duelist who helps you win lanes even if you have not mastered her full potential. Combined with her lane bullying and incredible split pushing, Fiora can dominate the side lanes almost uncontested. 




The bane of all AD champions, this tank can be very effective in team fights as his ultimate offers a lot of value. Although he does not have any split pushing strength, his kit allows him to very easily go through the laning phase so he can become an incredible frontline.



His recent buffs placed the troll king in Broken Tier as the meta shifted to strong split pushers. The champion's kit allows him to very easily tear down turrets, but his damage also poses a significant threat to badly positioned opponents.




Patch 13.23 saw a major shift to the meta as split pushing is now king so champions that can destroy turrets are very strong. This tier list provided some great examples of great picks in order for you to climb to your desired rank in League of Legends and dominate your solo queue opponents. 

If you would like a more detailed analysis of the champions we discussed in this tier list, make sure to watch our great video for top laners in patch 13.23, here:
