League of Legends: Wild Rift brings intense 5v5 multiplayer battle arenas to mobile devices. With over 80 champions to choose from, it can be tough deciding which ones to play. This LoL Wild Rift tier list ranks all the champions based on the current meta in January 2024.
Wild Rift Baron Lane Tier List
The Baron lane is crucial for initiating team fights and protecting squishier champions. Tanks, fighters and some assassins thrive in the top lane. Here are the best Baron laners:
- S-Tier: Fiora, Renekton, Camille, Gragas, Riven, Wukong, Garen
- A-Tier: Akali, Darius, Jayce, Graves, Irelia, Jax, Malphite, Yasuo
- B-Tier: Dr. Mundo, Kennen, Olaf, Nasus, Pantheon, Shen
- C-Tier: Akshan, Diana, Vayne, Kayle, Lucian
Fiora and Renekton stand out with exceptional scaling and damage. Camille, Gragas, Riven and Wukong offer strong initiation and disruption in team fights. Garen is a simple, durable fighter great for beginners.
Wild Rift Mid Lane Tier List
Mid lane mages and assassins can quickly delete squishy champions. Here are the strongest mid champs right now:
- S-Tier: Vex, Diana, Zed, Yone, Ahri, Karma, Yasuo
- A-Tier: Irelia, Morgana, Akshan, Akali, Veigar, Orianna
- B-Tier: Lux, Brand, Singed, Annie, Pantheon
- C-Tier: Seraphine, Kayle, Aurelion Sol
Vex and Diana lead with immense burst damage and disruption. Zed, Yone, Ahri and Yasuo bring slippery mobility and sustained damage. Karma offers excellent utility and poke. Veigar and Orianna control team fights with their AoE abilities.
Also read: LoL Wild Rift Patch 5.0 Release Date, New Champions, Gameplay & More
Wild Rift ADC Tier List
Attack damage carries are crucial late game damage dealers. These ADCs are thriving right now:
- S-Tier: Ezreal, Tristana, Draven, Samira, Varus, Caitlyn
- A-Tier: Kai'Sa, Xayah, Jinx, Vayne, Twitch
- B-Tier: Jhin, Ashe
- C-Tier: Miss Fortune, Senna
Ezreal and Tristana are excellent at safely dealing damage from range. Draven and Samira snowball hard with early kills. Varus and Caitlyn dominate lane phase with their long range. Kai'Sa, Xayah and Vayne scale extremely well into potent late game carries.
Wild Rift Jungler Tier List
Junglers set the pace of the game by ganking lanes and securing objectives. Here are the top junglers:
- S-Tier: Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Kha'Zix, Shyvana, Gragas, Lilia
- A-Tier: Jarvan IV, Olaf, Vi, Evelyn, Irelia
- B-Tier: Master Yi, Ekko, Diana
- C-Tier: Dr. Mundo, Fizz, Amumu
Early game junglers like Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, and Kha'Zix apply pressure with their ganks. Shyvana, Gragas and Lilia power farm and scale into potent teamfighters. Jarvan, Olaf, Vi and Evelynn offer strong initiation and pick potential.
Wild Rift Support Tier List
Supports protect their ADC and provide utility like healing, shields and CC. Here are the best supports:
- S-Tier: Nautilus, Soraka, Karma, Thresh, Nami, Senna
- A-Tier: Janna, Leona, Seraphine
- B-Tier: Sona, Morgana, Lulu
- C-Tier: Brand, Blitzcrank
Nautilus makes picks and disrupts teamfights with his CC. Soraka, Karma, Nami and Senna sustain their team with heals and shields. Thresh offers strong all-in potential. Janna, Lulu and Seraphine provide excellent peeling for their carries.
In summary, the latest meta favors mobile fighters, disruptive tanks, burst mages and utility supports. However, Wild Rift's constant updates shift the balances of power. Flexible players able to adapt to changes will find success with any champion.