DK vs GAM Games Overview
DK Roster | GAM Roster |
Top Canna Jungle Canyon Mid ShowMaker ADC Deft Support Kellin |
Top Kiaya Jungle Levi Mid Kati ADC Slayder Support Palette |
Game 1
DK Champions |
GAM Champions |
K'Sante, Lee Sin, Sylas, Kai'Sa, Rell |
Rumble, Jarvan IV, Orianna, Zeri, Rakan |
First Blood was scored on the bot lane for DK as Deft was able to snipe down Palette beginning his domination over GAM's bot lane. This allowed for an easy Infernal Drake set up allowing DK to start capitalizing on the minor advantage they held. GAM was able to strike back by securing the first tower in mid lane enabling Kati to roam and have priority over objectives.
Following a messy skirmish at Herald, GAM was able to secure their first kill of the game whereas DK was able to get the objective. ShowMaker solo killed Kati in the toplane with a clean play and allowing DK to get to soul point at only 17 minutes. Although GAM drafted a teamfight composition, DK were able to secure Cloud Soul and a kill over GAM which lead to a quick Baron and DK further escalating their lead.
Shortly after the LCK's 4th seed was able to steamroll VSC's 1st seed in line with the Eastern teams' utilization of the Baron buff, ending the game in a swift fashion and leading the series 1-0 in this Bo3.
Game 2
GAM Champions |
DK Champions |
K'Sante, Nocturne, Akali, Kai'Sa, Nautilus |
Rumble, Lee Sin, Ahri, Sivir, Rell |
In a similar fashion to Game 1, both teams are playing carefully not to make any unnecessary mistakes with DK picking up the first Chemtech Drake of the game. GAM was able to secure First Blood around Herald, however DK were again able to take the objective. Following a teamfight around Drake, DK was able to outplay GAM's Nocturne Ultimate engage and started accruing a significant gold lead.
DK was able to steamroll the game by finding crucial vantage points in teamfights and stopping any diving potential from GAM. Despite the efforts from GAM to stabilize the game, DK were able to win another crucial teamfight in mid lane and secure Baron from it. Shortly after, LCK's 4th seed was able to siege the bot lane, ultimately finishing the game in a clean 25 minutes and winning the series 2-0.
GAM should be commended for their performance as despite the health issues the team had during their games with TL, they were able to hold out as long as possible.
KT vs LNG Games Overview
KT Roster | LNG Roster |
Top Kiin Jungle Cuzz Mid Bdd ADC Aiming Support Lehends |
Top Zika Jungle Tarzan Mid Scout ADC GALA Support Hang |
Game 1
KT Champions |
LNG Champions |
K'Sante, Maokai, Jayce, Jinx, Alistar |
Jax, Jarvan IV, Neeko, Aphelios, Renata |
An explosive start to the series as KT secure First Blood following a succesful gank from Cuzz, but GALA was able to kill Lehends equalizing the game in terms of kills. Cuzz's Maokai was applying pressure to all lanes, also resulting in another pick for KT. A highlight of the game was Zika's narrow escape, barely surviving a skirmish.
KT seem to have taken an aggressive playstyle this game, although LNG are able to hold their ground gold-wise. LCK's 3rd seed was able to steal drake from the LPL's 3rd seed as Cuzz is looking as the MVP for Game 1 on the side of KT. After an incredible TP play by Scout, LNG were able to stop KT's Baron attempt further equalizing the game state. LNG secured Baron and GALA was able to fully utilize Aphelios' guns by winning the skirmish and further escalating their lead against KT.
Scout with another great Neeko ultimate locking the entire KT team in the river allowing for LNG to secure the second Baron and ultimately the game as they lead the series 1-0 in a very clean performance by going slow and steady until they scale for late game.
Game 2
KT Champions |
LNG Champions |
Renekton, Sejuani, Taliyah, Kai'Sa, Nautilus |
Jax, Jarvan IV, Azir, Sivir, Leona |
The stakes are high as the winning team goes to Quarter-Finals securing their spot in the next round of the World Championship. A stylish First Blood by Zika with Tarzan hovering top lane marked the beginning of the game. An incredible dive on bot lane by KT further accelerating Aiming and Lehends. A beautiful play by Lehends' Nautilius onto Hang's Leona secured first drake for KT, seeking to make up for their loss in the first game of the series.
KT steadily built a gold advantage over LNG as they were able to secure soul point and Baron after an amazing performance by Aiming on his Kai'Sa the LCK team are confidently dominating KT in Game 2. Lehends and Aiming were the absolute game changers securing a big lead against LNG and slowly but surely suffocating them out of the game.
After a convincing performance by KT, they were able to secure the second game equalizing the series 1-1.
Game 3
LNG Champions |
KT Champions |
Renekton, Wukong, Orianna, Kai'Sa, Rakan |
Ornn, Vi, Azir, Aphelios, Alistar |
An incredible First Blood for the KT team as Cuzz and Lehends were able to kill Hang's Rakan and secure a small lead for the bot lane. Both teams opted for teamfight-centric compositions so probably the players will wait until the mid game to go for some flashy plays. After a succesful set up on bot lane for KT, they were able to secure yet another kill and further translate the momentum by stopping LNG from taking the drake which then further evolved into a skirmish in mid and river.
LNG unexpectedly were able to steal the Mountain Drake and snap back at KT by taking over the game and taking their second Herald. As the mid game drawed near, both teams further accelerated the match forcing more fights around objectives. Following a great double flank from LNG they have taken total control over the game by picking up turrets and objectives.
LNG with a beautiful play at Baron quickly taking it under KT's noses, and dominating them in the teamfight that followed. With an almost 10K gold lead, LNG are looking into closing the series in their favor. After a final attempt at containing LNG, KT fell victim to the LPL's onslaught. KT are not out of the picture as they have another chance to qualify on Sunday, but LNG continue to the Quarter-Finals.