LoL Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage Day 9 - Final Chance for Teams to Qualify for Quarter-Finals

Six teams face elimination from Worlds as everything is on the line for them to advance furthe into the tournament

LoL Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage Day 9 - Final Chance for Teams to Qualify for Quarter-Finals
Riot Games

DK vs KT Games Overview

DK Roster KT Roster

Top Canna

Jungle Canyon

Mid ShowMaker

ADC Deft

Support Kellin

Top Kiin

Jungle Cuzz

Mid Bdd

ADC Aiming

Support Lehends


Game 1

KT Champions

DK Champions

Ryze, Viego, Azir, Zeri, Nautilus

Rumble, Jarvan IV, Neeko, Aphelios, Rell

A slow early game as DK were able to secure neutral objectives and steadily build a lead against KT slowly scaling into the late game. KT were able to hold their ground without allowing DK to build a significant advantage as most teamfights went into the favor of the LCK's 4th seed.

KT were finally able to strike back at DK Baron attempt securing the first ace of the game and punishing any further attempts of stabilizing the game, slowly accruing a gold lead and then further dominating future skirmishes.

The first game started out as a slow burner, but finally exploded into a hectic brawl where KT seized the initiative and secured Baron and was able to finish the game in a clean fashion leading the series 1-0.




Game 2

DK Champions

GAM Champions

Renekton, Jarvan IV, Ahri, Aphelios, Alistar

Gnar, Viego, Neeko, Zeri, Nautilus

An absolutely different approach in the second game as DK secure First Blood on the bottom lane with a great gank by Canyon. KT were able to strike back by securing the first drake of the game, yet the state stabilized with both teams taking a slow approach again. A great pick onto ShowMaker leads to a fight around dragon as DK return the favor by killing Lehends and securing the second drake of the game.

The match felt like a tug of war as both teams were rushing to objectives on opposite of the map as soon as they had vision of the enemy junglers. Canna was able to make great use of his side line pressure by securing two turrets, showing excellent map movement. With a great pick from KT onto ShowMaker, they quickly ran to Baron but despite securing it, DK immediately rushed to stop them by finally getting an ace against KT and then secured their second drake and a mid turret.

With DK confidently engaging onto KT a great teamfight in mid lane resultet in an equal result as the LCK's 3rd seed is able to stand their ground with Aiming being a slippery threat to the backline of DK. As DK secured Baron KT were able to kill 4 of the players and rush to bot lane to secure the inhibitor and further siege onto DK's base. Despite a valiant effort from DK, KT were able to win the last crucial teamfight and eliminate DK by advancing to the next stage of the tournament, and winning the series 2-0.





FNC vs WBG Games Overview

FNC Roster WBG Roster

Top Oscarinin

Jungle Razork

Mid Humanoid

ADC Noah

Support Trymbi

Top TheShy

Jungle Weiwei

Mid Xiaohu

ADC Light

Support Crisp


Game 1

FNC Champions

WBG Champions

K'Sante, Sejuani, Orianna, Aphelios, Milio

Aatrox, Poppy, Sylas, Zeri, Renata

A great start of the game for FNC as they were able to land First Blood in a messy skirmish in the river with Razork's excellent jungle pathing. With Humanoid's Orianna priority, FNC were also able to secure the first drake of the game. A great gank by Sejuani on the bot lane as Noah is now 2 kills strong. WBG were able to steal away Herald, but another great pick on mid lane is further cementing FNC's early game domination. Razork secured another drake for FNC as he is showing up strong in this Bo3 series.

WBG strike back with a great pick onto Humanoid allowing them a window to push bot with Herald and secure their first turret. Noah absolutely flashing on WBG as he was able to secure the kill onto Xiaohu and then the Chemtech soul for FNC. The LEC's 2nd seed showing an absolute clean performance for the first game as they were able to secure Baron and siege WBG's base as they were able to win, leading the series 1-0.





Game 2

WBG Champions

FNC Champions

Gnar, Maokai, Taliyah, Aphelios, Renata

K'Sante, Lee Sin, Syndra, Kalista, Rell

FNC were able to secure First Blood on bot lane as Razork locked in Lee Sin so we can expect a very explosive game. Razork was able to secure the first drake of the game as Weiwei responded by getting Herald and used it on bot lane to equalize the game state and allow for Light to further scale into the mid game. Despite a pick in mid lane by FNC, WBG are holding strong and slowly bridging the gap FNC will need to rely on Humanoid's Syndra for future fights.

Despite WBG denying the Herald from FNC, Razork found a great angle to engage securing two additional kills and the bot lane turret for FNC. WBG quickly turned the tides as they rushed Baron which was followed by a messy fight on the side of FNC, allowing the LPL's 4th seed to accrue a 6K gold lead. An absolutely fantastic second game by WBG as they look to further secure their hold over the match and challenge FNC to a final third game. Light's Aphelios lead the charge as WBG slowed the game enough for them to scale and dominate FNC, tying the series 1-1.




Game 3

FNC Champions

WBG Champions

Olaf, Sejuani, Sylas, Aphelios, Alistar

K'Sante, Maokai, Azir, Caitlyn, Lux

A slower change of pace for the third game as FNC's bot lane is struggling to keep up with the oppressive Caitlyn and Lux matchup with Xiaohu outplaying Humanoid and Razork and securing First Blood. WBG quickly pushing their advantage over FNC as the gold gap is only widening. 

Oscarinin's Olaf proving quite efficient at handling WBG composition as FNC are slowly chipping away at the advantage that has been built by WBG in an attempt to stabilize the game state and find their footing so Noah can scale up and be a danger in future teamfights. 

WBG showed a clean final game as they were able to punish FNC's draft by slowly building significant advantages in both the mid and bot lane as it later translated to neutral objective priority with the LPL team securing Baron and finally claiming FNC's Nexus with them winning the series 2-1 eliminating the LEC team from the World Championship and advancing to the Knockout Stage.




G2 vs BLG Games Overview

G2 Roster BLG Roster

Top BrokenBlade

Jungle Yike

Mid Caps

ADC Hans Sama

Support Mikyx

Top Bin

Jungle Xun

Mid Yagao


Support ON


Game 1

G2 Champions

BLG Champions

Poppy, Maokai, Jayce, Kog'Maw, Braum

Jax, Sejuani, Taliyah, Xayah, Milio 

BLG start off aggressively as they were able to secure First Blood in the top lane. BLG taking advantage of G2's weak early game were able to get another kill in bot lane as Caps is trying his best to stabilize the game by getting priority, enabling him to roam and assist in jungle and objective skirmishes. Despite G2's attempts at trying to stand their ground, BLG simply punish every aggressive play and further widen the gap between the teams.

Bin's Jax is a menace in this game as G2 are unable to extend too much on side lanes and will need to rely on sneaking Baron with Hans Sama's Kog'Maw. BLG forced a fight at Baron and secured temselves two kills and their third drake. After a brutal fight at Infernal drake, BLG were able to defeat 3 of G2's players and secure their second Baron with the LEC's chances of winning this game looking slim to none. 

A clean performance by LPL's 2nd seed as they secure the first win in this Bo3 series going 1-0.





Game 2

G2 Champions

BLG Champions

Olaf, Nocturne, Neeko, Kai'Sa, Lissandra

Renekton, Maokai, Jayce, Zeri, Rakan

G2 decided to go back to their roots of being an aggressive team as they were able to secure First Blood following a sucessful dive on mid. Hans Sama and Mikyx able to get a pick on Elk on the bot lane as BrokenBlade is falling behind against Bin. BLG taking questionable decisions as the top lane gap has started shrinking with Bin roaming without any results while G2 further push their advantage in the game.

The game has seeminly slowed down as BLG punish G2's engage with Yike falling victim to the LPL team. After a mayhem of a teamfight around drake, BrokenBlade was able to secure their third drake by the skin of their teeth with Caps getting a massive ultimate to shift the fight in G2's favor. The LEC's 1st restoring their confidence as they are steadily widening the gold gap between the two teams, racking up some great picks onto Yagao whose Jayce has been irrelevant the entire game.

BLG was able to take over the 5v5 fight with G2 securing Mountain soul, the LPL team was able to win a crucial skirmish and secure their first Baron of the game with Elk popping off with his Zeri. A messy fight secured G2 the Elder drake, however BLG were able to punish the lack of ultimates and summoners as they secured their second Baron of the game. An absolutely risky play by G2 landed them Elder drake again as they look into getting Baron as well. G2 was able to capitalize their advantage equalizing the series 1-1 in a close win.




Game 3

BLG Champions

G2 Champions

Renekton, Jarvan IV, Orianna, Ashe, Braum

Gnar, Maokai, Azir, Kai'Sa, Bard
An insane start of the game as both teams trade two kills in G2's jungle. A hectic third game as BrokenBlade was killed in a dive on top. Mikyx shining bright with his Bard as his presence in all lanes is proving difficult for BLG to handle. After a hectic skirmish at Herald, BLG secured a small gold lead against G2 and a kill as well. The game state is fairly equal as both teams look into contesting the second drake of the game. 
BLG were able to shove mid lane by opening up G2's base as they are quickly working towards soul point with a significant 5k gold lead. BLG were able to secure Chemtech soul and Baron as G2's chances of winning are dwindling. After a desperate attempt at containing the siege from BLG, G2 fall to the LPL's 2nd seed securing a victory in this series going 2-1 in the final game of the Swiss Stage of the League of Legends World Championship 2023.
