Anyone familiar with the Marvel universe is aware of who Captain America is, and it is no wonder that he managed to get a spot on Marvel Rivals’ roster of over 30 heroes. Captain America is a Vanguard champion who is tasked with charging into the fray of enemies and taking damage for the whole team. If you’re familiar with Reinhardt from Overwatch and love charging into the heat of battle, then the Captain might just be the hero you’ll want to pick up and learn. Let’s see what he has to offer.
Captain America Overview
Name: |
Captain America |
Type: |
Vanguard |
Role: |
Tank / Initiator |
Base Stats |
650 |
6 m/s |
Captain America is a Vanguard hero capable of taking a lot of damage while charging in through enemy ranks and helping your team get the initiative in any fight. He is a powerful initiator capable of disrupting enemy formations and allowing your team to pick off easy targets. His various charges allow him to easily make his way into the enemy lines, while his CC abilities help him launch enemies up in the air.
Furthermore, the Captain is also able to buff allies and heal them with his ultimate, making it a truly powerful tool to have at your disposal when team fights roll around. Overall, Captain America is not a difficult champion to play, but he requires good positioning awareness and knowing when to engage to get the most out of his skills.
Captain America Skills
Below is a full breakdown of Captain America’s skills.
Normal Attack |
Button |
Ability Icon |
Name |
Sentinel Strike |
- Description: Get up close to strike enemies. Landing the second hit enables a shield throw that can ricochet four times
- Casting: Change Form
- Melee Range: 4m
- Shield Flying Speed: 60 m/s
- Max Flying Distance: 25m
- Damage: Melee Attack Damage: 40, Flying Shield Damage: 45
- Attack Interval: Melee 1st Hit: 0.4s, Melee 2nd Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 1st Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 2nd Hit: 0.57s
- Ammo: Up to 4 throws
- Critical Hit: No
- Effect: Automatically target enemies near the crosshair
Abilities |
Q |
Freedom Charge |
- Description: Shield held high, carve a path forward, granting both himself and allies along the path continuous Bonus Health and Movement Boosts. Using Living Legend or Leading Dash while this ability is active can Launch Up enemies
- Casting: Activation
- Range: A spherical spell field with a 4m radius enveloping the caster, and a spell area with a width of 4m along the path
- Spell Field Duration: 10s
- Spell Area Duration: 5s
- Health Recovery Rate: Cast to gain 150 Bonus Health and grant allies 100 Bonus Health. Every second afterward, gain 110 Bonus Health and grant allies 60 Bonus Health
- Movement Boost: Grant a 30% Movement Boost to both yourself and your allies
- Energy Cost: 3400
Leading Dash |
- Description: Boost speed and enable Fearless Leap to leap into the air
- Casting: Channeled
- Movement Boost: 33.40%
- Fearless Leap Height: 4m
E |
Vibranium Energy Saw |
- Description: Hurl the energy-charged shield to strike enemies in a path
- Casting: Single-cast projectile that can ricochet
- Projectile Speed: 60 m/s
- Maximum Distance: 25m
- Number of Ricochets: 3
- Damage: Start at 70, with a 20% reduction for each ricochet
- Cooldown: 8s
F |
Liberty Rush |
- Description: Raise the shield and charge forward
- Casting: Single-cast forward dash
- Dash Distance: 12m
- Damage: 30
- Cooldown: 12s
Super-Soldier Slam |
- Description: Slam down from the sky onto the targeted area, Launching Up enemies
- Casting: Targeted
- Maximum Distance: 20m (horizontal)
- Damage: 30
- Cooldown: 12s
Living Legend |
- Description: Raise the shield to deflect incoming projectiles, sending them ricocheting in random directions
- Casting: Channeled
- Maximum Shield Value: 400
- Recovery Shield Value: 50/s
- Delayed Recovery After Release: 3s
- Cooldown After Destroyed: 5s
- Cooldown: 1s
- Ricochet Damage Falloff: 50%
Team-Up Abilities |
C |
Charged Aegis |
- Description: Thor infuses Thorforce into Storm and Captain America, granting them an electrifying enhancement. With an electrifying enhancement, Storm can unleash a lightning barrage. With an electrifying enhancement, Captain America gains a Movement Boost, and his shield is imbued with thunder power, electrocuting nearby enemies
- Casting: Ability Enhancement
- Key (Enhanced): LMB
- Attack Interval: Flying Shield 1st Hit: 0.5s, Flying Shield 2nd Hit: 0.57s
- Shield Flying Speed: 100 m/s
- Max Flying Distance: 25m
- Damage: 50
- Movement Boost: Movement Speed + 1 m/s
- Duration: 6s
- Cooldown: 20s
- Effect: Flying shield can ricochet once, reducing the damage by 50%