Invisible Woman is one of the Strategist heroes in Marvel Rivals. She is one of the newest heroes to be added to the game with the Season 1 update. Invisible Woman is a 4-star difficulty character that focuses on supporting the team and helping you win team fights by controlling enemies. Let’s learn more about her.
Invisible Woman Overview
Name: |
Invisible Woman |
Type: |
Strategist |
Role: |
Healer / CC |
Base Stats |
275 |
6 m/s |
Invisible Woman is one of the strongest heroes in Marvel Rivals as of the release of Season 1. She is a ridiculously powerful healer who can heal multiple allies at once while also dealing damage to the enemy team. Invisible Woman has a unique passive which, as her name suggests, lets her remain invisible whenever she’s not performing any actions. This allows you to always get to the best spot for making plays.
Invisible Woman excels at CC-ing enemies with her spells. She has a spell that sucks enemies in, a spell that can pull in or push away a single enemy, and her ultimate also slows any enemy that enters its range, on top of providing amazing healing for allies and making them invisible. All in all, Invisible Woman is an amazing playmaker and a character that you would love to have in almost any situation.
Invisible Woman Skills
Below is a full breakdown of Invisible Woman’s skills.
Normal Attack |
Button |
Ability Icon |
Name |
Orb Projection |
- Description: Launch a force field orbs that can pierce heroes, flying to maximum distance before returning to Invisible Woman; damaging enemies and healing teammates
- Casting: Single-cast projectile with delayed impact
- Effect: Orbs can pierce heroes and return to Invisible Woman after reaching their maximum distance. They damage enemies and heal teammates
- Damage: 20 per hit
- Damage Falloff: No falloff
- Healing Amount: 40 per hit
- Fire Rate: 0.5s per hit
- Projectile Speed: 120 m/s
- Maximum Flight Distance: 30m
- Ammo: 10
- Critical Hit: No
Abilities |
Guardian Shield |
- Description: Generate a force shield in front of a selected ally. The shield can block damage and provide Healing Over Time to nearby allies. Enemies that pass through the shield are slowed
- Casting: Targeted
- Healing Amount: 50/sec
- Range: 3m radius
- Slow Rate: 30%
- Slow Duration: 3s
- Maximum Shield Value: 300
- Effect: Before the shield is destroyed, Invisible Woman can choose to reproject the shield onto a selected teammate at any time. After the shield has been damaged, Invisible Woman can press the F key to reclaim the shield and restore its value
- Recovery Shield Value Per Second: 50
- Cooldown After Destroyed: 6s
Psionic Vortex |
- Description: Gather psionic energy and then cast it, upon hitting a target, scene, or pressing the Ability key again, it erupts into a psionic vortex, continuously drawing in enemies and causing damage
- Casting: Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field
- Projectile Speed: 80 m/s
- Spell Field Range: 5m radius
- Spell Field Damage: 35/sec
- Spell Field Duration: 4s
- Effect: Applies a slow effect to enemies within the spell field; the closer they are to the center of the field, the greater the slow effect
- Slow Rate: Center 50%, Edge 0%
- Cooldown: 12s
E |
Force Physics |
- Description: Manipulate psionic energy to push or pull enemies in front of her
- Casting: Cylindrical Spell Field
- Range: 1.5m radius, 30m length
- Damage: 55
- Push Range: 12m
- Pull Range: 7m
- Cooldown: 8s
Q |
Invisible Boundary |
- Description: Manifest an unseen force field within a chosen area, rendering allies inside undetectable by enemies and provide Healing Over Time. Enemies that pass through the field are slowed
- Casting: Targeted, generates a cylindrical spell field
- Pass-Through Slow Rate: 55%
- Slow Duration: 1s
- Healing Amount: 165/sec
- Range: 10m radius, 40m height
- Duration: 8s
- Energy Cost: 4000
Covert Advance |
- Description: Enter Invisible state some time after disengaging from combat and grant yourself Healing Over Time
- Healing Amount: 20/sec
Veiled Step |
- Description: Generate a force field at your feet, stepping on it propels her into the Invisible state
- Cooldown: 6s
Team-Up Abilities |
Fantasti-Force |
- Description: The Invisible Woman taps into her powers, channeling Psionic Might to fortify Mr.Fantastic. This formidable force bolsters Mr.Fantastic, granting damage resistance. Once activated, they can continually generate Bonus Health, making up for lost Health
- Team-Up Bonus: 15% Healing Boost