New to Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Here's a guide to get you started on your superhero journey. Discover essential activities for beginners, combat tips, and key gameplay mechanics to ensure you make the most of your web-slinging adventure from the very beginning.
If you're just starting Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and are looking for some guidance, here are some essential things to do as a beginner to make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.

Things to Do First:
Get Familiar with the Combat System: Combat is a significant part of the game. Learn to dodge and parry effectively using Spider Sense to minimize damage when fighting enemies and bosses.
Progress through the Main Story: Advancing through the main storyline unlocks new activities and exploration opportunities in different districts. This progress allows you to access additional challenges, earn rewards like new suits, materials, and collectibles.
Increase District Progress for Fast Travel: By engaging in various activities like stopping crimes and finding collectibles in a district, you raise your District Progress. This unlocks the ability to fast travel to that district and rewards you with useful items for reaching specific milestones.
Complete Collection-Related Activities: Each district offers collection-related activities that provide valuable resources like Tech Parts and Tokens. These items are essential for crafting new suits and upgrading gadgets and suit tech, so consider focusing on side content such as finding Marko’s Memories and Photo Ops and assisting citizens via the FNSM App requests.
Unlock Skills: Invest your skill points in unlocking new abilities from both Peter Parker and Miles Morales' skill trees, as well as shared Spider-Man skills. These skills enhance your exploration and combat abilities, making it easier to complete objectives, navigate the open world, and defeat main story bosses.

Useful Combat Tips:
Familiarize with Spider Sense Alert Colors: Spider Sense provides alerts in different colors for enemy attacks. Yellow flashes indicate heavy attacks that can damage you even if you dodge, so try to parry them. Blue flashes indicate unblockable attacks that require evading.
Master Parry Timing via Spider Sense: Press L1 to parry incoming attacks as they're about to hit you. Watch for the red Spider Sense alert on your character's head to time your parry correctly. Successful parries stun enemies briefly, giving you a chance for counterattacks.
Combine Gadgets and Abilities: Integrate gadgets and abilities into your combat strategy along with basic attacks. Use abilities by holding L1 and pressing ○, X, □, or △ based on the move's input. Gadgets can be activated using R1 along with any of the same face buttons.
Heal with Focus: Use accumulated Focus charges to heal by pressing the directional pad down during battle. Focus can be replenished by landing attacks or successful defensive actions like dodging and parrying. Save Focus for health recovery, especially when dealing with bosses.

Pay Attention to Suggested Actions: Enabling operation hints in the settings displays suggested actions at the bottom of the screen during combat. Follow these prompts for better combat strategies and defeating enemies more easily.
Switch between Peter and Miles: You can switch characters during specific story events or while exploring. Keep in mind that certain side missions and activities are character-specific, so change your Spider-Man accordingly to explore everything.
Utilize Wind Tunnels: Look for wind tunnels across the city; they provide a significant boost when gliding with web wings, allowing you to reach your destination faster.
Scan for Activities: Press R3 (right analog stick) to scan the surroundings for nearby activities, collectibles, and points of interest. Scanning helps you identify objectives during missions and locate items you can examine or pick up. Use the scan feature frequently for guidance.
By following these tips and strategies, you'll be better equipped to enjoy your adventure in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.