MHW Iceborne: Augment Materials Complete List

This article provides the complete list of all Augment Materials in Monster Hunter World Iceborn.

MHW Iceborne: Augment Materials Complete List
MHW Iceborne: Augment Materials Complete List

In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, hunters can further upgrade weapons and armor that have reached the end of their trees through augmenting. Augmenting provides various bonuses like increased attack, affinity, defense, slots, health regeneration, and more. The materials required depend on the rarity and desired augment. Here's a complete list of MHW Iceborne augment materials.

How MHW Iceborne Augmenting Works

MHW Iceborne Augment Materials Complete List 1.png

Augmenting becomes available after finishing the Iceborne story and unlocking tempered monsters and the Guiding Lands. For armor, it simply raises the max defense level and can be done at any point. Weapons must max out their trees first.

High rank and master rank augments work differently. The higher the rarity, the fewer augment slots available and the harder to get materials required.

Armor Augment Materials

Armor requires Streamstones, Fucium Ore, Spiritvein Gems, and more based on rarity. Higher rarities need rare monster parts like Pure Dragon Blood. The materials increase defense limits from 12 to 34 levels depending on the armor.

Rarity Materials Limit Increase Cost
Rarity 1 Streamstone Shard x1, Fucium Ore x3 Lv.19 → Lv.34 (+30) 3000z
Rarity 2 Streamstone Shard x1, Fucium Ore x3 Lv.17 → Lv.30 (+26) 3000z
Rarity 3 Streamstone Shard x1, Fucium Ore x3 Lv.15 → Lv.27 (+24) 3000z
Rarity 4 Streamstone Shard x1, Fucium Ore x3 Lv.13 → Lv.23 (+20) 3000z
Rarity 5 Streamstone Shard x1, Dragonbone Relic x1 Lv.12 → Lv.20 (+16) 5000z
Rarity 6 Streamstone Shard x1, Bird Wyvern Gem x1 Lv.11 → Lv.17 (+12) 10000z
Rarity 7 Streamstone x1, Wyvern Gem x1 Lv.7 → Lv.14 (+14) 20000z
Rarity 8 Gleaming Streamstone x1, Elder Dragon Bone x2 Lv.4 → Lv.11 (+14) 30000z
Rarity 9 Spiritvein Gem Shard x1, Dragonbone Artifact x1 Lv.20 → Lv.30 (+20) 30000z
Rarity 10 Spiritvein Gem x1, Purecrystal x2 Lv.17 → Lv.27 (+20) 40000z
Rarity 11 Spiritvein Gem x1, Large Wyvern Gem x1 Lv.13 → Lv.23 (+20) 50000z
Rarity 12 Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Pure Dragon Blood x2 Lv.10 → Lv.20 (+20) 60000z



Weapon Augment Materials

Augments provide effects like attack/affinity boosts, defense, slots, health regen, and element/status up. The materials depend on the weapon type and rarity. Higher tiers need tempered monster parts.



High Rank Weapon Augments

In high rank, augments can be rolled back if eligible. Upgrading to master rank also refunds materials. Replacing augments causes materials to be lost permanently.

Augment Materials Cost
Rarity 6 Augments
Attack Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x1, Streamstone Shard x3, Rathalos Plate x2 40000z
Affinity Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x1, Streamstone Shard x3, Odogaron Plate x2 40000z
Defense Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x1, Streamstone Shard x3, Bird Wyvern Gem x1 40000z
Slot Upgrade Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x1, Streamstone Shard x3, Legiana Plate x2 40000z
Health Regen Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x1, Streamstone Shard x3, Anjanath Plate x2 40000z
Rarity 7 Augments
Attack Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x2, Streamstone x3, Rathalos Ruby x1 60000z
Affinity Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x2, Streamstone x3, Odogaron Gem x1 60000z
Defense Increase Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x2, Streamstone x3, Wyvern Gem x1 60000z
Slot Upgrade Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x2, Streamstone x3, Legiana Gem x1 60000z
Health Regen Warrior's Streamstone: (type) x2, Streamstone x3, Anjanath Gem x1 60000z
Rarity 8 Augments
Attack Increase Hero's Streamstone: (type) x1, Gleaming Streamstone x3, Teostra Gem x1 90000z
Affinity Increase Hero's Streamstone: (type) x1, Gleaming Streamstone x3, Daora Gem x1 90000z
Defense Increase Hero's Streamstone: (type) x1, Gleaming Streamstone x3, Elder Dragon Blood x2 90000z
Slot Upgrade Hero's Streamstone: (type) x1, Gleaming Streamstone x3, Vaal Hazak Gem x1 90000z
Health Regen Hero's Streamstone: (type) x1, Gleaming Streamstone x3, Nergigante Gem x1 90000z



Master Rank Weapon Augments

Master rank augments are more flexible - they can be freely rolled back except for slot upgrades. Each augment occupies a number of slots. Custom upgrades provide small stacking bonuses too.

Augment Materials Slots Cost
Rarity 10 Augments
Extra Slots I Spiritvein Slogbone x3, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Tempered Great Horn x3 +2 600pts
Extra Slots II Spiritvein Gem x1, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Tempered Glimmerpelt x3 +2 800pts
Extra Slots III Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Annihilating Temperhorn x3, Tempered Icefang x3 +2 1000pts
Attack I Flickering Flamepelt x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Wasteland Cragbone x5 3 400pts
Attack II Twisted Temperhorn x7, Crackling Thunderpelt x5, Dragonvein Solidbone x3, Tempered Cragbone x3 5 500pts
Attack III Tempered Jaw x7, Tempered Red Scale x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Guiding Wasteland Dragonbone x1 7 600pts
Attack IV Tempered Glimmerpelt x7, Heavy Jaw x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Simmering Wildbone x5 9 700pts
Affinity I Colorful Plume x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Decayed Crystal x3 2 400pts
Affinity II Stormcall Steelwing x9, Assassin Cutwing x5, Dragonvein Solidbone x3, Forest Crystal x5 4 500pts
Affinity III Tempered Cutwing x7, Tempered Cathode x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Prosperous Crystal x3 6 600pts
Affinity IV Tempered Blastscale x7, Incandescent Magmafin x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Magma Crystal x5 8 700pts
Defense I Rugged Mane x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Mossy Greatbone x3 1 300pts
Defense II Fragrant Poison Sac x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Woodland Greatbone x5 2 400pts
Defense III Obsidian Fur x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Slumbering Greatbone x3 3 500pts
Defense IV King's Scale x7, Ancient Great Horn x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Guiding Forest Dragonbone x1 5 600pts
Slot Upgrade I Blackcurl Tyranthorn x9, Crackling Thunderpelt x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Wasteland Crystal x5 3 400pts
Slot Upgrade II Moonlight Scale x9, Charged Deathly Shocker x5, Dragonvein Solidbone x3, Serene Crystal x3 6 500pts
Slot Upgrade III Tempered Azure Mane x7, Tempered Hide x3, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Wasteland Crystal x1 7 600pts
Slot Upgrade IV Tempered Gold Scale x7, Metallic Scute x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Melted Crystal x5 8 700pts
Health Regen I Tempered Rendclaw x7, Inkstained Oilshell+ x5, Spiritvein Slogbone x3, Effluvial Frenzybone x5 3 400pts
Health Regen II Tempered Tailblade x7, Strongman's Jaw x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Afflicted Frenzybone x3 5 500pts
Health Regen III Tempered Twilight Fang x7, Tempered Talon x3, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Rotted Dragonbone x1 7 600pts
Health Regen IV Tempered Silver Scale x7, Crimson Blastscale x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Volcanic Wildbone x5 9 700pts
Elem/Status I Dazzling Photophore+ x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Pale Crystal x3 1 400pts
Elem/Status II Smooth Icehide x9, Rubbery Shell x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Reef Crystal x5 3 500pts
Elem/Status III Enchanting Finehide x9, Honed Tailblade x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Deepsea Crystal x3 5 600pts
Elem/Status IV Tempered Azure Horn x7, Tempered Pink Scale x3, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Reef Crystal x1 7 700pts
Rarity 11 Augments
Extra Slots I Spiritvein Gem x1, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Tempered Crownhorn x3 +1 800pts
Extra Slots II Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Tempered Glimmerpelt x4 +1 1000pts
Extra Slots III Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Annihilating Temperhorn x4, Tempered Frosthide x4 +2 1200pts
Attack I Fatal Rendclaw x9, Ancient Great Horn x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Vibrant Crimsonbone x3 3 500pts
Attack II Scorching Scale x9, Solemn Azure Horn x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Guiding Reef Dragonbone x1 5 600pts
Attack III Tempered Dragonhold x7, Tempered Frosthide x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Tundra Dragonbone x1 7 700pts
Affinity I Sinister Silverpelt x9, Crackling Thunderpelt x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Prosperous Crystal x3 2 500pts
Affinity II Tempered Azure Scale x7, Tempered Thunderpelt x3, Spiritvein Slogbone x3, Guiding Forest Crystal x1 4 600pts
Affinity III Tempered Blastscale x7, Tempered Magmafin x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Hellfire Crystal x1 6 700pts
Affinity IV Tempered Dragonhold x7, Coldblooded Icefang x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Frozen Crystal x5 8 800pts
Defense I Muddy Crown x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Cracked Crystal x3, Weathered Cragbone x3 1 400pts
Defense II Queen's Scale x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Wasteland Crystal x5 2 500pts
Defense III Twisted Bravehorn x9, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Serene Crystal x3 3 600pts
Defense IV Tempered Crown x7, Spiritvein Slogbone x3, Guiding Wasteland Crystal x1 5 700pts
Slot Upgrade I Hellfire Mane x9, Tempered Flamepelt x3, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Tempered Cragbone x3 3 500pts
Slot Upgrade II Tempered Ebonshell x7, Tempered Scute x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Volcanic Wildbone x5 6 600pts
Slot Upgrade III Tempered Azure Mane x7, Enticing Viperthorn x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Hoary Icebone x5 7 700pts
Slot Upgrade IV Tempered Gold Scale x7, Tempered Viperthorn x3, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Tundra Icebone x5 8 800pts
Health Regen I Tempered Silverpelt x7, Tempered Poison Sac x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Slumbering Greatbone x3 3 500pts
Health Regen II Spattered Hide x7, Tempered Green Scale x3, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Guiding Forest Dragonbone x1 5 600pts
Health Regen III Annihilating Temperhorn x7, Crystal Frozenhide x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Rime Crystal x5 7 700pts
Elem/Status I Night Hood x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Distorted Crystal x3, Malformed Frenzybone x3 1 500pts
Elem/Status II Strongman's Jaw x9, Inkstained Oilshell+ x5, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Effluvial Crystal x5 3 600pts
Elem/Status III Twilight Fang x9, Soulrender Talon x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Twilight Crystal x3 5 700pts
Elem/Status IV Annihilating Temperhorn x7, Gushing Dragonhold x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Daybreak Crystal x3 7 700pts
Rarity 12 Augments
Extra Slots I Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Extinction Greathorn x5 +1 1000pts
Extra Slots II Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x5, Tempered Glimmerpelt x5 +1 1200pts
Extra Slots III Great Spiritvein Gem x1, Elder Spiritvein Bone x5, Annihilating Temperhorn x5, Tempered Dragonhold x5 +1 1400pts
Attack I Tempered Steelwing x7, Bloodstained Ebonhide x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Slumbering Greatbone x5 3 600pts
Attack II Tempered Silver Scale x7, Bloodthirsty Glimmerpelt x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Dragonscorched Wildbone x3 6 700pts
Affinity I Smoldering Tailedge x9, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Serene Crystal x3 2 600pts
Affinity II Tempered Crimson Mane x7, Azure Mane x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Wasteland Crystal x1 4 700pts
Affinity III Annihilating Temperhorn x7, Tempered Icefang x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Rime Crystal x1 6 800pts
Defense I Rubbery Shell x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Vivid Crimsonbone x3 1 500pts
Defense II Hydrated Sac x9, Fierce Dragonvein Bone x3, Coral Crimsonbone x5 2 600pts
Defense III Tempered Icehide x7, Heavy Dragonvein Bone x3, Vibrant Crimsonbone x3 3 700pts
Defense IV Tempered Ebonshell x7, Heavy Jaw x5, Dragonscorched Wildbone x3 5 800pts
Slot Upgrade I Blackcurl Temperhorn x7, Aurora Crownhorn x5, Dragonvein Solidbone x3, Guiding Wasteland Dragonbone x1 3 600pts
Slot Upgrade II Tempered Gold Scale x7, Gushing Dragonhold x5, Dragonvein Solidbone x3, Everfrost Icebone x3 5 700pts
Health Regen I Tempered Trancehide x7, Charged Deathly Shocker x5, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Reef Dragonbone x1 3 600pts
Health Regen II Tempered Silver Scale x7, Tempered Blastscale x3, Elder Spiritvein Bone x3, Guiding Volcanic Dragonbone x1 5 700pts
Elem/Status I Tempered Oilshell+ x7, Fatal Rendclaw x5, Spiritvein Slogbone x3, Twilight Crystal x3 1 600pts
Elem/Status II Shuddering Darkjaw x9, Twilight Fang x5, Elder Dragonvein Bone x3, Guiding Effluvial Crystal x1 3 700pts
Elem/Status III Tempered Gold Scale x7, Glossy Ebonshell x5, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Guiding Magma Crystal x1 5 800pts




In summary, Iceborne augments require:

  • Streamstones, Guiding Lands ores - Armor
  • Warrior/Hero Streamstones - High-rank weapons
  • Spiritvein Gems, Elder Dragon Parts - Master-rank weapons
  • Specific monster parts like plates, gems, and tempered materials

Augmenting provides significant bonuses to fully upgraded gear. Carefully plan out augments, as materials can be limited.

With Iceborne's augment system, hunters can push their armor and weapons to new levels of power. Augmenting gear takes rare materials, but the payoff is worth the effort. A fully augmented loadout will take down any monster that stands in your way.
