MW3 Zombies - How To Get Cyphered Tablet

Here's a quick guide that will help you to find a Cyphered Tablet in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.

MW3 Zombies - How To Get Cyphered Tablet

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies, there are four missions in the Tier 5 section (Hands Off, Blasted, Bring Em On, and Nest Wrecker) where you need to get a Cyphered Tablet. This is in addition to the other goals you have in these missions. You can find the tablet after defeating an enemy while doing your other mission tasks.

How to get Cyphered Tablet

Sometimes, you might not get the tablet in time, and it disappears. This can leave your mission unfinished. But don't worry, you can still get the tablet.



How to Get the Tablet Again

If you've done everything else in the mission but still need the tablet, here's what to do:

Look Around

cyphered tablet.jpeg
  • First, look around where you are. The tablet might be on the ground nearby.



HUD Indicator

Hud Indicator Cyphered tablet
  • Your game screen will show a sign when the tablet drops. It appears in the middle-left part, where you also see the kill feed.

Last Enemy's Location

  • Go to where you defeated the last enemy. The tablet should be there.

If You Missed It

  • If you can't find the tablet or missed picking it up, you'll have to do some parts of the mission again until it shows up.



Focus on the Last Task

  • If there are several tasks, concentrate on the one just before the tablet task.

Clear a Stronhold

  • If you still can't find it, go and clear a Stronghold. The Mercenary Stronhold have better drop chance. Remember to get a stronghold keycard from a buy station.

Go to the Level 3 Area

  • Zombies in the Threat Level 3 are have random chance of spawning the Cyphered Tablet.



That's all you need to know to get the Cyphered Tablet in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies. Remember, patience and attention are key. Keep an eye out for that tablet drop, and if you miss it, just try again. Good luck with your missions!

Check out our other MWZ guides here.
