Overwatch 2 News: Roadhog Reworked, But He Retains Hook and Heal Abilities

Roadhog is getting nerfed in Season 7. Today's guide will cover what the devs are planning to do.


In the latest Overwatch 2 dev update, the fan-favorite tank Roadhog is set for a significant makeover. Despite whispers of change, Roadhog will cling to his signature abilities: the devastating hook and his unique healing move, "Take a Breather".

Ever since his debut, Roadhog's hook has stood out in the tank class, causing a stir among fans and players. Traditionally, tanks in Overwatch have been known for their durability, crowd control, and team protection. However, Roadhog's hook has continuously offered an edge, often ensuring game-changing one-shots. While there have been times he couldn't guarantee a one-shot kill of heroes with 200hp, a good follow-up strategy usually turned a successful hook into a quick team advantage.

Roadhog's hook is what players appreciate most about him, seeing it as an integral aspect of his character. Recognizing this, Blizzard devs are committed to keeping it alive post-rework. In a recent interaction on the Competitive Overwatch subreddit, Alec Dawson, the Lead Hero Designer, affirmed the retention of both the hook and "Take a Breather". He assured fans by commenting, “Hook and Vape are both staying :)”. This confirmation came in the wake of concerns that Roadhog might lose his hallmark healing, crucial for his durability in matches.

Yet, it's worth noting that Roadhog's dependence on his healing is partly why he's facing challenges in the current game scenario. The character Ana, popular in the latest games, possesses an anti-heal grenade that can disrupt Roadhog's "Take a Breather", significantly reducing his effectiveness in battles.

It's no secret that the developers have been quite concerned recently, given the game's decline and the departure of 90% of its players. We've been seing a lot of changes lately, and Blizzard recently nerfed Bastion as well. Who knows how the new Roadhog will turn out? We'll keep you posted!