Overwatch 2 Season 7 Patch Hero Balance Updates - Ramattra, Orisa & More

As Overwatch 2's Season 7, "Rise of Darkness," gears up for an October 10 launch, players can expect more than just new content; balance changes to several heroes are on the horizon.

Overwatch 2 Season 7 Patch Hero Balance Updates - Ramattra, Orisa & More
Blizzard Entertainment



In the upcoming season, the Overwatch 2 team is prepared to address hero adjustments that aim to enhance gameplay experiences. These changes will not only affect the established heroes but also introduce updates for recently introduced characters.

Tweaks and Tuning for a More Balanced Game

Among the heroes scheduled for adjustments in the Season 7 patch are Ramattra and Wrecking Ball. While Ramattra has gained popularity among Overwatch 2 players, some tuning is in order to ensure a fair and competitive gaming environment.

Additionally, Brigitte and Cassidy will undergo changes. Cassidy might see an increase in damage range, making him a more formidable presence on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Brigitte, who has been quite dominant, might experience slight nerfs to level the playing field.

Overwatch 2 Season 7 Hero Changes
Blizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch 2 team also confirmed that Illari, the game's most recent support hero, will receive some adjustments. Players can look forward to changes to the Healing Pylon ability to align it with the overall satisfaction of her kit.

Notably absent from the list of upcoming adjustments is Zenyatta's Discord Orb, which Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson had previously mentioned when discussing tank balance.

As the Season 7 patch unfolds on October 10, players will have a chance to experience these significant balance updates firsthand, enhancing the Overwatch 2 gaming experience.