The support role in Overwatch 2 has one of the most diverse lists of characters in the game. The number of playstyles you can choose from between heroes like Ana, a sniper with amazing crowd control abilities, or Brigitte, a close-range powerhouse of a support that can bully her enemies, is amazing.
Support heroes just got hit with a wave of nerfs in the latest Overwatch 2 mid-season update, so let's take a fresh look at how hard each of them is to play. Big updates such as this one tend to shake the meta and bring a new cast of heroes under the spotlight. With this tier list, you will be able to quickly learn which heroes you will want to invest your time in for the foreseeable future.
This tier list goes from the easiest heroes (F - Tier) all the way up to the most difficult in the game (S - Tier) to master. Explanations for each hero are also provided below!
Difficulty | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier | |
C Tier | |
D Tier |
D Tier Supports - Easiest:
Moira is definitely the easiest support to just pick up and start playing across all ranks. She has very simple mechanics both in her healing, and damage dealing abilities. There is some room for improvement in her kit, using different orb setups and positioning around her ultimate, but those are not needed in order to be effective. Even with very low experience, you can find a lot of value in her kit.
Even though Mercy isn't super easy to play, needing to avoid dying at all times and being unable to fight people off herself, her movement is so powerful, and her healing and damage boost are so easy to apply that you don't need to practice very much to get used to it. Due to some changes in Overwatch 2, it's really easy to just super jump straight up or change your momentum on the fly, making you hard to hit.
Mercy is in a weird spot where she has a lot of ways to get much more value out of her kit, but they don't take a lot of time to master. The hardest part is just managing them all against increasingly better players as you climb up in the ranks, who have the aim to track you and the abilities to hack you or slow you down and kill you.
C Tier Supports - Easy:
Being similar to Mercy in design, Lifeweaver is right up next. He is also a hero that does not require any advanced mechanical skill to use, as his power level lies in his utility. While he does have an endless amount of possibilities between his grip and platform, those skills bring a ton of value even with the most basic usage.
His mechanics are all based on his abilities, and he's intuitive but complicated enough to give you a reason to want to keep getting better at the hero. Lifeweaver strikes the perfect balance of being easy to get started, with a lot of room to grow as you get better.
Next up is Brigitte. She's definitely hard to place on the list because of the skill you need to position yourself and even hit your whip shots. Her flail damage basically takes no skill at all, even increasing your range by using the corner swing tech from Reinhardt's hammer and Winston's Primal, is very simple to learn.
There's definitely a lot you can do with her skill-wise, so she's harder than Lifeweaver, but the fact that you only need to get used to the one Whip Shot projectile travel time to get the most out of your damage and peeling output, makes her pretty approachable in terms of hero difficulty.
B Tier Supports - Average:
For B tier, we've got our first heavy mechanical support with Zenyatta. He takes a lot more than just aim, as you need to be smart with your positioning and orb usage to keep yourself alive, your teammates pocketed, and your enemies debuffed.
The only way you can play positioning is only your normal movement, and both the orbs of Harmony and Discord are really easy to apply with short cooldowns and long ranges. He's a difficult hero mostly because it's hard to stay alive with low defensive tools, always requiring help from someone else unless he hits all the shots he needs to.
A Tier Supports - Hard:
Illari is a step up in difficulty and very mechanically intensive, with her primary fire being the main value of her kit. The rest of her abilities are pretty simple to use. Her healing pylon, her ultimate and secondary fire are very forgiving and don't require a ton of mechanical skill to use. She even has a mobility option with her Outburst skill.
What puts her above Zenyatta is that her damage is a lot more precise. Rather than spamming orbs at a choke every once in a while, she really needs to be able to hit her shots in order to find any value. Her lower healing output really forces her to be aggressive, because she will inevitably fall behind in the later stages of the teamfight.
Baptiste is one of the hardest support heroes in the game. Every single ability he has, as well as his weapon, gets a lot more value the better you are with him. Both his bullets and healing grenades have their own aim required to hit shots. And in the healing shot's case, getting direct hits will increase his healing. Already, just with your normal kit, there's a lot of things to manage to deal effective damage and keep your teammates alive.
Baptiste also has the advantage of mobility to switch up his gameplay, making your positioning a lot more complicated, since you can access high grounds and jump out of danger. Even though his Regen Burst is pretty simple to use, his Immortality Field has a very high skill ceiling. You've got to get the right timing and positioning of it to actually save your teammates and keep the lamp alive as long as possible.
At the top of A tier, we have Kiriko, who's got a super precise playstyle with great mobility and utility. Even though her healing is simple to use, it has to be managed and weaved in with your normal damage output to achieve the necessary value with the hero. As for her mobility, she not only has her Swift Step that has to be timed correctly and not wasted, but her wall climbing allows her to fully encompass a more fluid and aggressive playstyle.
Being in the right place at the right time is key, which is not a very easy skill to learn. Her ultimate also requires a good level of timing, which requires a lot of understanding about the different phases of a teamfight. Her healing is pretty easy for a more mechanical support, which is what makes her approachable as a new player, but there's a lot of skills you have to develop to reach a meaningful level with her and start dominating games.
S Tier Supports - Very Hard:
Finally, it's time for the S-tier, with Ana claiming the second spot. Ana has everything you need from a support, which is part of what makes her so difficult. Her abilities demand precise aim and timing, especially her damaging shots and sleep darts. Biotic nades and ally healing are somewhat easier to execute, but with her lack of mobility, they can also become a challenge in a lot of games.
Even though she has the tools to protect herself, with her Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade, she still has to be able to hit those abilities under pressure. Her role involves healing allies, searching for nades, poking down targets, and most importantly, staying alive. The only hero surpassing her in the ultimate S-tier difficulty for support is Lucio.
Lucio retains the most challenging skill ceiling in his kit. Every aspect of it can be maximized to the fullest. Pro Lucios are extraordinary, effectively dealing damage with a challenging projectile fire rate and managing their team's movements and auras at an advanced level. If you aspire to master Lucio, expect a long and demanding journey. Lucio isn't an easy start, unlike some beginner support heroes that provide instant value as soon as you try their abilities.
He has modest numbers, low damage, and healing, but the potential to elevate those aspects to outshine and outpace any other support at their full potential. This is without even mentioning his environmental kills and relocation with his Boop, one of the key reasons to play Lucio. Undoubtedly, he reigns supreme, as his mechanics require a certain amount of mastery to just be able to hang with the rest of the cast.
That's it for the hardest support tier list, based on the difficulty of playing each hero and the height of their skill ceiling. Supports may be powerful in the current meta, but they also offer the potential for the most challenging learning curve and mastery. It might not be the most popular role, but it's definitely one that requires the most time in order to be effective.
If you are interested in more resources to help you play the support roles to their fullest, make sure to check out our other written and video guides on the website.