Overwatch 2's Competitive Ranked Changes Hinted By Developer

As the Overwatch 2 community eagerly anticipates the game's forthcoming seasons, Executive Producer Jared Neuss has sent the rumor mill into overdrive with enigmatic hints about substantial improvements planned for competitive ranked play.

Credit: Activision Blizzard

In a cryptic string of interactions on Twitter, Neuss responded to two distinct comments with the enigmatic "👀" emoji, prompting speculation about potential alterations to rank visibility and competitive rewards within Overwatch 2.

One of Neuss's responses was triggered by a plea for the return of visible ranks – a feature that graced Overwatch 1 but was notably absent in the sequel. In Overwatch 1, players could openly view the ranks of fellow competitors within the competitive lobby. However, this transparency was omitted in Overwatch 2, a move presumed to curtail toxicity. The comparison of team ranks often cultivated a pessimistic atmosphere. Although ranks are still viewable on public profiles, this necessitates additional steps.

Overwatch 2 lackluster rewards
Credit: Blizzard

On the flip side, critics contend that the removal of visible ranks allowed Blizzard to shroud potential matchmaking discrepancies, suggesting the developer's emphasis on swift queue times takes precedence over balanced matches.

While the reinstatement of rank visibility may seem like a minor tweak, it resonates as a common plea from the Overwatch 2 community.

Another tweet, evoking a response from Neuss, raised the question of expanding competitive rewards: "This is going to sound like a rich guy problem but is there any chance we can get any more competetive rewards. Or is this something that's not getting looked at?"

Another user drew attention to Neuss's prior remarks regarding new cosmetic elements. Neuss's cryptic rejoinder implies that Overwatch 2's team could potentially introduce fresh cosmetics and rewards tailored to ranked play.

Overwatch twitter thread about ranks
Credit: Twitter

The proposition of augmented cosmetics and rewards targeting competitive ranked play should undoubtedly garner enthusiasm within the Overwatch 2 community. This notion complements other recent updates that have garnered acclaim, such as the introduction of the "Hero Progression" feature.

Launched alongside the Invasion update, Hero Progression offers players hero emblems and name cards as rewards upon levelling individual heroes. The Overwatch 2 community responded positively to the update, praising its incentive-rich nature, which lends a more positive note to moments of defeat.

As Overwatch 2 aficionados await the new season, the potential infusion of these notable upgrades to competitive play adds an extra layer of anticipation.