Palworld: Best Pals for Cooling

This article will cover the best pals for early game and late game in Palworld that can help you with cooling your base!

Palworld: Best Pals for Cooling
Pocket Pair

Keeping things chilled is important in Palworld, from preserving food stocks to incubating cold-climate eggs. Having capable pals on cooling duty ensures refrigerators, air cons, and other things run optimally. This article will cover the best pals for early game and late game in Palworld that can help you with cooling your base!



Best Pals for Cooling in Palworld

Best Pals for Cooling.png
Frostalion in Palworld

There are more than 100 Pals in Palworld, but there are a few you can add to your Paldeck collection for Cooling:

Best Late Game Cooling Pals

For dedicated cooling roles, Frostallion is the expert because of its level 4 chilling capabilities. With all its efforts fixated directly on lowering and regulating temperatures, Frostallion expertly manages the most demanding cooling builds.

If seeking more flexibility, Penking proves most valuable with level 2 cooling that complements its watering, building, mining, and hauling prowess. When not lowering fridge temperatures, it lends its versatility to various projects across the base.

Best Early Game Cooling Pal

Pengullet shines as an accessible option even with just level 1 skills. Found quickly near starting zones, Pengullet provides the baseline cooling modern bases need while also assisting with watering, building, and hauling jobs.



List of All Pals With Cooling Traits in Palworld

Here is a tier list of Palworld Pals with cooling capabilities. The higher the levelthe faster they are at completing tasks:

  • Level 4: Frostallion
  • Level 3: Cryolinx, Ice Reptyro, and Ice Kingpaca
  • Level 2: Penking, Sweepa, Foxcicle, Reindrix, Vanwyrm Cryst, Sibelyx, Mammorest Cryst, and Wumpo
  • Level 1: Pengullet, Jolthog Cryst, Mau Cryst, Hangyu Cryst, and Chillet

Uses for Cooling in Palworld

Cooling Pals in Palworld.png
Cooling Pals in Palworld

Preserving Food - Critical for storing ingredients and dishes long-term.

Incubation - Specific eggs require chilled environments.

Temperature Regulation - Essential in hot regions.

Pengullet and Frostallion make the perfect cooling combo throughout the early and late game. All bases need some way to keep things chill!



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