10 Strongest Pals in Palworld

Master Palworld's strongest Pals - dominating forces to defeat bosses and top the power charts.

Palworld Guide: 10 Strongest Pals in Palworld
Palworld Guide: 10 Strongest Pals in Palworld

With over 100 capturable Pals, Palworld presents players with great variety when forming teams. But some species overpower others in raw combat performance, utility, strengths, weaknesses, and versatility. Among the diverse menagerie, roughly a dozen elite fighters stand above the rest as the current undisputed champions dominating Palworld's sandbox domains.

This guide covers the 10 strongest Palworld Pals based on their abilities, stats, elemental affinities, Partner Skills, coverage, mount potential, rarity, and general devastation capacity across PvE.

Note: This guide is based on our personal preference and combat style and might differ for you.

#10: Astegon 

Strongest Pals in Palworld
Strongest Pals in Palworld

This Dark/Dragon type excels at dealing damage from afar. Attacks like Dark Laser and Dragon Burst pummel groups at long range. Astegon also flies as a mount, assisting exploration with mining skills to gather resources along the way. Just watch for Ice attacks from certain rivals.

Where to Get: Destroyed Mineshaft, Wildlife Sanctuary #3, Breeding





#9: Grizzbolt 

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Strongest Pals in Palworld

Despite being an early boss, Grizzbolt maintains top-tier strength via its Electric element skills. Its Yellow Tank Partner Skill allows riding Grizzbolt while unleashing a devastating minigun. With great work skills as well, this well-rounded beast Generates resources back at base too.

Where to Get: Wildlife Sanctuary #1, Specific Breeding





#8: Necromus 

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Strongest Pals in Palworld

The Dark Knight of Legend lives up to its title with a dual jump and the game's strongest Dark movepool. Skills like Twin Spears and Dark Laser fuel relentless aggression, while the Dark element provides wide coverage. Dragon rivals still occasionally trouble this apex predator though.

Where to Get: Deep Sand Dunes





#7: Paladius 

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If Necromus represents Palworld's dark side, Paladius epitomizes the light. With boosted defense and recovery, Paladius outlasts foes with Spear Thrust and other Neutral/Ice attacks. Paladius is weak to Dark Element Pals so watch out for them!

Where to Get: Deep Sand Dunes





#6: Shadowbeak

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strongest Pals in Palworld

This DNA-modified Dark beast shares Necromus' devastating aptitude for supernatural harm. The Divine Disaster special attack brings godly ruin. Shadowbeak further enables domination by flight and boosting dark-type attacks during mounted combat. 

Where to Get: Specific Breeding, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary





#5: Anubis 

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Anubis appropriately mirrors Egyptian god status in-game with unmatched mastery over the Ground element. Spinning Roundhouse, Ground Smash, and other seismic moves pummel foes while Anubis' Partner Skill shares its trembling might with players. Anubis brings the sandbox and jungle biomes underfoot.

Where to Get: Sealed Realm of Winged Tyrant, Specific Breeding





#4: Blazamut 

Strongest Pals in Palworld
Strongest Pals in Palworld

If Anubis embodies the planet itself then Blazamut personifies barely controlled hellfire. Fiery feats like Fire Ball can dominate any Ice element Pal in the game. The Kindling 3 skill and Mining Lvl 4 also help efficiently refine metals for base builders.

Where to Get: Scorching Mineshaft, Specific Breeding





#3: Jetragon

Strongest Pal in Palworld
Strongest Pal in Palworld

The premier flying mount for aerial domination. Players can rain missiles upon foes while riding Jetragon's back. With mighty Fire and Dragon abilities, plus exceptional mobility, little can withstand this roaming weapon. Jetragon earns its solitary Legendary status.

Where to Get: Beach of Everlasting Summer





#2: Jormuntide

Strongest Pals in Palworld
Strongest Pals in Palworld

Jormuntide appropriately evokes mythic adversaries with its Water/Dragon duality and shocking Stormbringer designation. When not battering enemies with several advanced attacks, mounted players can also exploit Jormuntide's unlimited water mobility - a unique traversal advantage.

Where to Get: Open World, Extensive Breeding Options





#1: Jormuntide Ignis

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Jormuntide Ignis

If the standard Jormuntide already delivers god-tier merits then Jormuntide Ignis ascends further as a divinity of destruction. It retains the base monster's strengths while converting its fury into scathing Fire. With Ignis boosting Pyro potency as a mount, no earthly force can withstand its apocalyptic abilities.

Where to Get: Wildlife Sanctuary #2





While plenty of formidable fighters fill the roster, these 10 Pals push Palworld's power boundaries. Control their distinctive energies and none shall challenge your dominance. Now go out there capture these Pals and get all the bragging rights. 

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