How to Craft Refined Ingots in Palworld?

Smelt refined ingots in Palworld using an improved furnace; guide covers required materials, where to get coal, and uses for enhanced metal.

Palworld Guide: How to Craft Refined Ingots in Palworld?
Palworld Guide: How to Craft Refined Ingots in Palworld?

Refined ingots serve as the lifeblood for constructing late-game weapons, gear, and structures in Palworld. Transforming standard ingots into their enhanced counterparts unlocks formidable equipment but demands tracking down a couple of key crafting components first. This guide covers everything required for smelting refined ingots in Palworld. As with most recipes, start by unlocking refined ingots in the technology tree, available at level 34. This schematic remains locked otherwise. Opening access lets you fabricate the essential improved furnace.

How to Construct an Improved Furnace in Palworld?

Improved Furnace in Palworld
Improved Furnace in Palworld

An improved furnace provides the sole means for generating refined ingots. Building one requires:

  • 100 stone
  • 30 cement
  • 15 flame organs

Stone poses no issue, littering the terrain in bountiful volumes. Cement derives from combining bone, stone, and pal fluid. Bones come from hunting wildlife, while pal fluid drops from water-type creatures.

Flame organs drop reliably from fire-aligned beasts like Foxparks. Bring materials to the site and assemble the improved furnace.



How to Craft Refined Ingots in Palworld?

Refined Ingots in Palworld
Refined Ingots in Palworld

With the station complete, craft batches of refined ingot using:

  • 2 ore
  • 2 coal

Ore deposits populate all across the landscape and are dense near Desolate Church. Coal reserves prove much rarer, concentrated in desert and volcanic biomes. An automated mining operation helps mass-produce inputs.

Set a fire pal with kindling proficiency to smelt refined ingots without player input. Focus instead on stockpiling the base components. Soon you’ll have all the enhanced metal needed for next-tier weapons and tools.

The road from standard to refined gear runs through improved furnaces. Gather ore and coal, befriend fiery pals, and start smelting to upgrade your arsenal in Palworld!



Summary: How to Craft Refined Ingots in Palworld?

  • Unlocked at Level 34
  • Build Improved Furnace
  • 2 Ore & 2 Coal per Ingot
  • Assign Kindling Pal to Produce

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