How to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld?

Learn how to remove your wanted status after committing crimes in Palworld. We cover the causes and best methods to evade the PIDF and resume normal gameplay.

Palworld Guide: How to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld?
Palworld Guide: How to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld?

In the unique world of Palworld, you may sometimes find yourself with an unwanted "Wanted" status if you break certain laws or enter restricted areas. Having the Palpagos Island Defense Force (PIDF) chasing you can quickly ruin your gameplay experience. In this guide, we will tell you everything you want to know about how to remove a wanted status in Palworld.



What Triggers Wanted Status in Palworld?

What Triggers Wanted Status in Palworld?
What Triggers Wanted Status in Palworld?

Before looking at solutions, it's important to understand what types of offenses trigger the Wanted status in the first place. The main illegal activities are:

  • Attacking or killing local NPC residents
  • Entering designated restricted or sanctuary areas



Methods to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld

Methods to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld
Methods to Remove Wanted Status in Palworld

When trying to shed your wanted level, you have four main options:

  • Fight Back: If you still feel like committing crimes one after the other - you can remove your wanted status by fighting back and killing the PIDF.
  • Die - The quickest and simplest way is to simply allow the PIDF units to kill you. This clears your record entirely. The only risk is having to return to your death location to reclaim item drops.
  • Run and Hide - You can also choose to flee the scene of the crime and find a location far enough away for the PIDF to give up the pursuit. This preserves your inventory but takes time and traversal effort.
  • Eliminate Witnesses - If you want to stand your ground, you'll need to kill all PIDF units chasing you as well as any witnesses who observed your initial crime. Highly risky but eliminates wanted status.

Each approach has its pros and cons to weigh carefully based on the situation. Generally, the escape methods are safest for early-game wanted levels.



By understanding the cause of wanted levels and utilizing one of these removal strategies, you can clear your record and get back to enjoying the dark world of Palworld. Just try not to get caught next time!
