Palworld Guide: How to Unlock Feed Bag

This is a quick guide on how to unlock the feed bag in Palworld before you go on the adventure!

Palworld Guide: How to Unlock Feed Bag
Pocket Pair

Hunger strikes without warning in the vibrant world of Palworld. Ensuring you and your loyal pals stay well-fed is key during long adventures. This is where handy feed bags come in, once unlocked. If you want to know how to unlock it, worry not because this article is a quick guide on how to unlock the feed bag in Palworld before you go on the adventure!



Unlocking Feed Bag Recipe in Palworld

Collecting Ancient Technology Points for Feed Bag.png
Collecting Ancient Technology Points for Feed Bag

You first gain access to feed bags through the Ancient Technology menu, not the main tech tree. Specifically, this is how to unlock Feed Bag in Palworld:

  • Gather Ancient Technology Points (earned by defeating Pal bosses)
  • Upon reaching level 10, unlock the Small Feed Bag recipe via Ancient Technology
  • Unlock higher tiers like Large and Huge feed bags as you gain more levels

Crafting Feed Bags in Palworld

How to Unlock Feed Bag in Palworld.png
How to Unlock Feed Bag in Palworld

With the recipe learned, gather base ingredients like fiber and wood to start constructing feed bags on any workbench. Larger bags call for rarer materials in higher quantities. The amount needed increases with bag size:

Feed Bag  Food Slot Fiber Wood Leather Carbon Fiber
Small 1 10 5 3 -
Average 2 30 10 10 -
Large 3 50 20 20 -
Huge 4 90 30 35 10
Giant 5 200 50 50 20

Have your transport and handiwork pals deliver materials then rapidly craft feed bags.



Utilizing Your Feed Bag in Palworld

Equipping a feed bag adds a dedicated food hot bar. Fill its slots with up to 5 diverse consumables from your caches.

Interacting with hungry pals enables them to automatically draw nutrition from your equipped feed bag. How much they consume depends on:

  • Hunger Level – Better-fed pals eat less
  • Bag Capacity – Upgrade for more slots

In summary, feed bags are invaluable for streamlining pal feeding needs on long hunts. Unlock this feed bag recipe after researching key backpack upgrades!
