Palworld Guide: Where to Find High Quality Pal Oil - Detailed Locations & Uses

Learn optimal methods for obtaining the precious resource High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld including creature harvesting, and purchasing.

Palworld Guide: Where to Find High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld?
Palworld Guide: Where to Find High Quality Pal Oil - Detailed Locations & Uses

High Quality Pal Oil allows crafting advanced weapons and technology in Palworld, but finding this valuable material takes effort. Here are comprehensive details on optimal hunting spots, vendor options, and applications for High-Quality Pal Oil in Palworld.

Key Uses for High Quality Pal Oil

Crafting certain firearms requires High Quality Pal Oil. Container items like the essential Refrigerator, which preserves precious Pals meats that would otherwise spoil, demand Polymer which requires High Quality Pal Oil for manufacturing Circuit Boards.

So steady acquisition unlocks paramount production lines. Veterans recommend stockpiling over 50 surplus High-Quality Pal Oil immediately to avoid frustrating bottlenecks for weapon or appliance improvements later.





How to get & farm High-Quality Pal Oil in Palworld

Combat represents the most reliable gathering method for many raw materials, and oil is no exception. Just targeting random species wastes potential though, while informed hunters pinpoint precise monster hotspots. Here is a list of all the Pals that drop High Quality Pal oil in Palworld and where to find them:

Digtoise  download__10_-removebg-preview (1).png Screenshot 2024-02-08 095332.png
Dumud download__27_-removebg-preview.png Screenshot 2024-02-07 234306.png
Elphidran Elphidran-1  Screenshot 2024-02-05 183531.png
Elphidran Aqua elphidran aqua.png
Screenshot 2024-02-08 100250.png
Grintale Grintale Screenshot 2024-02-05 185853.png



Jormuntide Ignis Jormuntide-Ignis Screenshot 2024-02-05 190818.png
Mammorest Mammorest Screenshot 2024-02-05 190559.png
Mammorest Cryst Mammorest Cryst.png Screenshot 2024-02-05 190627.png



Quivern Quivern Screenshot 2024-02-05 183628.png
Relaxaurus Relaxaurus  Screenshot 2024-02-05 190329.png
Relaxaurus Lux Relaxaurus Lux.png
Woolipop download__7_-removebg-preview (1).png Screenshot 2024-02-07 233130.png

The central region seems densest with key oil providers like Woolipop, Dumud, and Digtoise. Digtoise in particular appears capable of yielding up to six High Quality Pal Oil per successful takedown or capture.





Merchant Trade Options

Not every tamer enjoys hours of grueling creature harvesting though, so an alternative exists - for a price. One particular Wandering Merchant located in the northernmost Duneshelter settlement wears crimson robes and peddles individual High-Quality Pal Oil vials for 300 gold apiece according to chatter among explorers.

Consider whether spending scarce coins outweighs targeting oil deposits directly from initial fauna through force, however. Raw combat often serves most frontiersmen best in terms of budget. But more balanced tamers could supplement fighting with occasional quick purchases when stockpiles run low it seems.

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