It's pretty obvious at this point that the more you play Palworld, the more interesting mechanics and interactions you end up finding. With over 100 different Pals available for you to capture and fight, it's no wonder that some of them have their own quirks and special abilities tied to them.
Players have already discovered one of the best uses for Pals in the game - using them as flying mounts. Being able to fly across the world without the hurdle of your stamina bar or your limited climbing skills is one of the best feelings in the game. Not all Pals can fly, and even fewer can be mounted, so in this article, we are going to share the fastest method we have found to start exploring the skies of Palworld.
How to Get A Flying Mount Early in Palworld

Find The Nitewing Pal
The lowest level Pal you can use as a flying mount in Palworld is called Nitewing. Nitewing is #38 on the Paldeck and its a Neutral type Pal with the Travel Companion skill. Here are all of the possible spawn locations for the Nitewing Pal in Palworld:

Capture Nitewing
After locating a Nitewing you are going to have to capture it. Nitewings are usually between level 10 and 20, so being a similar level and bringing your strongest Pals is suggested for this encounter. Any ranged weapons such as bows, crossbows and guns are also welcome, as Nitewing moves very sporadically and tries to avoid any close-range engagements.

Create a Nitewing Saddle
The final step to being able to soar across the skies is by crafting a Nitewing Saddle. This item can be unlocked through the Technology menu and it will cost you 2 Technology Points. You can unlock this Technology by reaching level 15 with your character.
After unlocking the Technology, you are going to need to craft the item through the Pal Gear Workbench structure. Here are all of the necessary materials for crafting a Nitewing Saddle through the workbench:
- 20 Leather
- 10 Cloth
- 15 Ingot
- 20 Fiber
- 20 Paldium Fragment
Once you craft the saddle, you are going to be able to ride Nitewing by pressing F or the corresponding button on other devices.

That was our step-by-step guide on how you can get a flying mount in Palword as soon as possible. While other methods may exist, we found this one to be the easiest and most fun. Hopefully this article has helped you soar across the skies and if you are looking for more Palworld content, make sure to check out the rest of our website!