How to Get & Craft Cement in Palworld?

In this guide you will get all the information on how to craft Cement in Palworld alongside all of its uses.

Palworld: How to Get & Craft Cement in Palworld?
Palworld: How to Get & Craft Cement in Palworld?

Cement forms the vital binding agent for constructing formidable defenses and advanced technologies across the Palworld frontier. Unlocking this gritty material in your inventory enables establishing infrastructure. This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know to start producing cement in Palworld alongside all of its uses. 

How to Craft Cement in Palworld?

Cement in Palworld
Cement in Palworld

The cement recipe first unlocks at level 19 technology for the cost of 1 point. Understanding key details now allows smoothly gathering ingredients once available:

  • Cement crafts in a High-Quality Workbench
  • 50 stone, 1 bone, and 1 pal fluid required per batch

Stone litters environments universally, mineable by pickaxe. Pal fluids derive specifically from defeating water-type creatures such as the aquatic Fuack. Bones come as monster spoils across biomes.

Building a High-Quality Workbench requires additional grinding. Its schematic becomes accessible at level 11 technology for 3 points. You'll also need:

  • 15 ingots
  • 50 wood
  • 10 nails



How to Use Cement in Palworld?

You Need High Quality Work Bench to Craft Cement in Palworld
You Need High Quality Work Bench to Craft Cement in Palworld

This gritty agent allows establishing formidable infrastructure through stone brick walls, barricades, and guard towers. Cement also unlocks augmenting spheres past standard quality when capturing creatures.

Durable defenses demand cement foundations. Upgrading technologies depends on cement supply to boost potency. With the workbench set and ingredients stockpiled, start mass-producing it!



Construct mining camps to automate stone acquisition, assign hunting tasks to water pals, and regularly loot bones from defeated monsters. Streamlining cement supply sustains long-term base expansion and crafting advancement when demands weigh heavy.

Now you're fully equipped to start mixing cement and molding the frontier one brick at a time! Build up formidable structures today!

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