Persona 3 Reload: Best Persona Fusions For Mid Game Progression

Discover the best mid-game Persona fusions on Persona 3 Reload in this comprehensive guide.

Persona 3 Reload: Best Persona Fusions For Mid Game Progression
Persona 3 Reload: Best Persona Fusions For Mid Game Progression

Persona 3 Reload brings many new fusion recipes and Personas to the game. Around the mid-game mark at levels 40-60, players may find some enemies becoming more difficult to defeat with early-game Personas. Selecting the right Personas to fuse at this stage is crucial for progression. This guide provides the best Persona fusions in Persona 3 Reload for the mid-game.

Persona 3 Reload Best Mid-Game Persona Fusions

Let's take a look at the best mid-game Persona fusions:




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Persona 3 Reload Dominion

A Bless Persona Dominion specializes in Bless or Light attacks, making him effective against enemies weak to those damage types.

  • His Hama skills like Hamaon have high instant-kill rates on susceptible foes.
  • With Hama Boost, Dominion's Hama spells become even stronger.
  • His abilities make him one of the top Personas for mid-game progression.




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Persona 3 Reload Thoth

Magic Powerhouse Thoth has access to Megido, one of the strongest Almighty skills that enemies cannot resist.

  • His Magic stats outclass many Personas as well.
  • With Concentrate, Thoth can boost a single ally's magic damage substantially.
  • For raw magical power, Thoth is a prime mid-game Persona.




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Persona 3 Reload Titania

Ice and Wind Queen Drawing from Shakespeare, Titania excels with Ice and Wind skills.

  • Enemies weak to those elements will fall easily to Titania's Mabufula and Magarula spells.
  • Her high Magic makes these skills hit hard.
  • Players facing Ice or Wind weak enemies should fuse Titania.



Cu Chulainn

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Persona 3 Reload Cu Chulainn

The Multi-Role Persona Cu Chulainn fills many roles with his versatile skill set. Matarukaja and Dekaja provide team-wide buffs and debuff removal.

  • Charge amps up Physical damage for allies.
  • For offense, Cu Chulainn wields strong Physical/Pierce abilities.
  • He's one of the most well-rounded mid-game Personas.




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Persona 3 Reload Anubis

Nullify Weaknesses Anubis has no weaknesses, giving him excellent survivability.

  • He resists Light and Dark attacks while learning skills from those elements too.
  • Makarakarn grants a protective barrier against magic.
  • With no flaws and diverse skills, Anubis makes fusing him well worth it.


Persona Fusion Recipes

Here are the fusion recipes for these top mid-game Personas:

  • Dominion: Loa + Sarasvati
  • Thoth: Loa + Oni
  • Titania: Dominion + Ose
  • Cu Chulainn: Loa + Incubus
  • Anubis: Yatagarasu + Sandman




The Personas listed above will give a strong boost in the mid-game of Persona 3 Reload. Their powerful abilities and lack of weaknesses make them perfect for the increasing difficulty at this stage. Use their fusion recipes to obtain these Personas and continue your progression smoothly.
