Pokemon GO Defenders Tier List: Ranked Best to Worst

Which Pokemon stand out as the best defenders right now? Our Pokemon GO tier list breaks down all the characters ranked from best to worst!

Pokemon GO Defenders Tier List: Ranked Best to Worst

Successfully defending gyms in Pokemon GO relies less on raw power nowadays and more on versatility and well-roundedness. With speedy attackers, even the toughest defenders may only buy you a couple extra minutes at best. So the focus shifts to Pokemon with universal utility beyond just plopping them in gyms. Our Pokemon GO Defenders Tier List: Ranked Best to Worst will break down the top Pokemon with actual defense viability alongside usefulness for raids, PvP, Team GO Rocket battles, and even mega evolution to help you plan your gym squad.

Pokemon GO Defenders Tier List: Ranked Best to Worst

We've categorized every character into SS, S, A, B, and C tiers based on their defense viability:

SS Tier Characters

SS Tier characters are designated for Pokémon that exhibit exceptional defensive capabilities and/or provide substantial utility. These Pokemon are considered valuable investments owing to their versatility in various aspects of the game.



The supreme defender remains Blissey, whose raw bulk resembles multiple Pokemon combined. Attacking Blissey is like chipping away at an immense mountain of HP.

Fast Moves: Zen Headbutt, Pound
Charged Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Psychic



Moveset and typing barely factor when Chansey is there because it simply outlasts nearly anything. If you want to frustrate opponents, go with Chansey. 

Fast Moves: Zen Headbutt, Pound
Charged Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Psychic



S Tier Characters

S Tier defenders bring immense durability just behind the chubby pink duo. They make fine cornerstones for fortress gyms. With type variety, they can seriously impede almost any attack strategy. All see noteworthy use of outside defense too, making them good investments:



 Snorlax is an original fan-favorite defender with great stats.

Fast Moves: Zen Headbutt
Charged Moves: Body Slam, Heavy Slam, Outrage



A solid dark Eeveelution lures fighters to doom!

Fast Moves: Feint Attack, Snarl
Charged Moves: Dark Pulse, Psychic, Foul Play



This towering ice fortress shrugs off damage.

Fast Moves: Bite, Ice Fang
Charged Moves: Body Slam, Avalanche



Melmetal is a mythical brute with indomitable endurance.

Fast Moves: Thunder Shock
Charged Moves: Super Power, Rockslide, Thunderbolt



Dopey dragon checks even Dialga in master league.

Fast Moves: Dragon Breath
Charged Moves: Draco Meteor



A+ Tier

Packing slightly less durability than S Tier but still troublesome to take down, A+ defenders remain gym menaces that battle hard elsewhere too:



Ursaluna is a chunky normal bear who packs a punch!

Fast Moves: Tackle
Charged Moves: High Horsepower



Mandibuzz is a bone vulture with premier UL threat.

Fast Moves: Snarl
Charged Moves: Foul Play



The iron snake Steelix harshly checks fairy and ice.

Fast Moves: Dragon Tail, Iron Tail
Charged Moves: Heavy Slam



Lapart is a transport Pokémon who can carry teams across modes.

Fast Moves: Water Gun
Charged Moves: Surf



This Pokemon that looks like a heavy drill rhino is prepared to charge any target.

Fast Moves: Mud Slap
Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker



A Tier

Excellent type diversity characterizes Pokemon GO A Tier defenders, letting these defenders cover a wide range of threats. Their well-rounded stat distributions deliver a knockout punch after weathering assaults:



Godzilla hydrates sandstorms decimating unprepared challenges.

Fast Moves: Bite
Charged Moves: Brutal Swing



Garchomp's shark dragon’s fins bloodied previous overconfident opponents.

Fast Moves: Dragon Tail
Charged Moves: Outrage



Hippodown will whip sand tubes to pummel pesky combatants.

Fast Moves: Fire Fang
Charged Moves: Scorching Sand



This elegant floral bouquet masks administrator access.

Fast Moves: Fairy Wind
Charged Moves: Psychic



Vaporeon's bubble jet resilience withstands the most determined brute force.

Fast Moves: Water Gun
Charged Moves: Hydro Pump



B Tier

With more polarized stat spreads emphasizing offense over balance, B Tier defenders work best on established crews covering their weaknesses. But their ferocious strength still intimidates careless trainers:

  • Dragonite – spearhead hurricane forces respect air superiority
  • Skeledirge – bone chilling armor weakens blows rattle to the core
  • Stunfisk – ambushes catch mud-dwelling adversaries completely off-guard
  • Galarian Stunfisk – improbably concealed steel spikes stop smug star's cold
  • Gliscor – acrobatic shadow swoops apply merciless night slash pressure



C Tier

While usable in a pinch, C Tier defenders have generally better niches elsewhere or simply more glaring vulnerabilities. Most shine more on battle teams than gym defense. With strategy and type support, they can still surprise opponents, but yield maximum value when powered up for leagues and raids:

  • Ferrothorn – barricading thorns ward off early challenges before better steel options
  • Gigalith – crystal artillery temporarily provides covering fire across the terrain
  • Oranguru – instructor shifts students exceeding rookie gym class
  • Tentacruel – abundant toxin administering scratches the surface of potential
  • Slowbro – solid mental defense best applied more actively rather than passively
