Reverse 1999 Version 1.4: Banner Schedule, Dates & Characters

This article will go over the banners in Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 and which characters will be coming!

Reverse 1999 Version 1.4: Banner Schedule, Dates & Characters

Version 1.4 is turning out to be one of the biggest updates for Reverse: 1999 and with all of the previous updates this version will feature 2 new 6-star characters for players to pull on.

Unfortunately this time we won’t be receiving a new 5-star character, however, the two new 6-star characters are more than powerful enough to make up for that.

Let’s look at the banner schedule for Version 1.4 and what you can do to prepare!

Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 First Phase Banner

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Phase One

The first phase banner in Version 1.4 will have the following schedule:

Start Date: February 29, 2024
End Date: March 28, 2024

During this time players will be able to pull for the limited 6-star character 37 and the two 5-star characters Tennant and Sweetheart.

  • 37
  • Tennant
  • Sweetheart

Given the banner starts on February 29th, players do not have that much time to save up, however, the banner will be live for close to a month, meaning that players who want any of the three characters still have more than enough time to get them!



Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 Second Phase Banner

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Phase Two

The second phase banner in Version 1.4 will have the following schedule:

Start Date: March 28, 2024
End Date: April 18, 2024

In the second phase players will be able to pull for the limited 6-star character 6 and the 5-star characters Click and Baby Blue will have an increased Drop Rate.

  • 6
  • Click
  • Baby Blue

Players still have more than enough time to gather for this banner and considering it will be running until almost the end of April, this gives those who wish to pull for 6 close to two months of time to save up!




Reverse 1999 Version 1.4

The characters that will appear in the Version 1.4 banners are certainly one of the better ones to come out in recent times.

37 is both a good DPS and a support, while 6 is one of the best supports in the game since its launch. 

Furthermore 6 is one of the few Intellect characters in the game, making him quite desirable for many players.

Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 is a great release with a ton of new features and interesting events. The banners in this version are one of the better ones, having both good 6-star characters, and a normal selection of rate-up 5-stars.

For those looking to expand their roster it might be worth considering if you want to pull on the banners in Version 1.4.
