Reverse 1999 Version 1.5: Upcoming Banners and More

In this article, we’ll look at the new banners coming in Reverse:1999 Version 1.5

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5: Upcoming Banners and More

Reverse: 1999 recently had its Version 1.5 update livestream during which the developers revealed a ton of content coming with the new version, as well as the limited-time banners that will be featured during the two phases of the new version.

This article will go over both upcoming banners, their durations, and everything you need to know about them.

Version 1.5 Phase One Banner

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 Phase One Banner

The Phase One banner of Version 1.5 is called [The Chirps of Flame] and will feature the 6-star Beast unit Spathodea. The banner will also have a boosted rate for the 5-star characters - Ulu and Dikke.

Both Spathodea and Ulu are new characters in Reverse: 1999 so this might be an interesting banner for those looking to expand their beast roaster.

The phase one banner will feature the following runtime:

Phase One Banner Duration
Start Date April 18
End Date May 9th

During this time players will be able to obtain the characters mentioned above, but as always will not be guaranteed to get the limited 6-star character unless they’ve already lost their pity.



Version 1.5 Phase Two Banner

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 Phase One Banner

The second phase of Version 1.5 is called [The Spores of Peace] and will feature yet again a new 6-star character known as Ezra. 

Alongside Ezra, this banner will also feature an increased drop rate for the other new 5-star character, Desert Flanner, and one of the original 5-star characters Satsuki.

The phase two banner [The Spores of Peace] will have the following runtime:

Phase Two Banner Duration
Start Date May 9th
End Date May 30th

This banner will continue until the end of Version 1.5 giving you a ton of time to save your currency for Ezra.
