Sengoku Dynasty - Best Perks To Unlock

Here are the best Perks to unlock in Sengoku Dynasty, so you can progress fast.

Sengoku Dynasty - Best Perks To Unlock

There are so many activities to take advantage of in Sengoku Dynasty, such as exploring new regions, defeating enemies, and building your village, that even the most experienced players will be entertained for hours on end. Moreover, the game offers four skill trees, which you can level up by completing tasks.

This will also give you access to the so-called Perks, which are benefits used to improve your character and Dynasty. However, some Perks are better than others, so in this guide, we'll show you the best ones available in the game.



Sengoku Dynasty Best Perks To Unlock

Sengoku Dynasty - Best Perks To Unlock

It's important to mention that every Perk in Sengoku Dynasty has its own advantages and disadvantages. That's why we encourage you to experiment until you find the ones that align with your goals and strategy.

Skillful Constructor / Lumberjack

Perhaps one of the activities that will be occupying your attention for a big part of your journey is cutting down trees and building different structures. This is especially important when it comes to creating a village from scratch, so it's crucial to take points in Skillful Constructor and Skillful Lumberjack.

These Perks will help reduce your Stamina consumption, which is essential when you're using your Axe so much. Moreover, this is the best way to unlock higher tiers of the same category, so it's a good idea to take advantage of the right Perks from the very beginning of the game.

Warrior Apprentice

Sooner or later, you'll realize that it's time to start exploring the different regions of the map. This also includes taking down some tough enemies. That's why leveling up your Way of the Warrior as fast as possible is crucial, and the Monk XP can be best used to get the Warrior Apprentice.

This Perk will increase your Warrior XP, and all you need to do is keep fighting and hunting. Surprisingly, even shooting deer counts as an effort toward the same goal, but killing humans will definitely bring a lot more points to your Way of the Warrior.



Ebisu's Boon

Sengoku Dynasty - Best Perks To Unlock

While you're still trying to sustain your first village, you'll notice that Leader XP is very hard to find, and you need to be very careful when it comes to investing it. Yes, at the beginning it would seem like a smart idea to get Effective Meals Distribution to keep your villagers well-fed, but be aware that this is pointless because they will soon start producing way more than they consume.

If you decide to get the Ebisu's Boon, you'll gain access to better loot and higher chances of obtaining valuable items from chests and even your enemies. Other villages will soon start attacking you anyway, so there's nothing better than boosting your rewards.

Quick Attacker

No matter what kind of weapon or armor you craft in Sengoku Dynasty, you'll never become powerful enough to deal with all your opponents unless you find a way to increase your general damage output, more specifically, the power of your basic attacks. That's why getting the Quick Attacker Perk is hands-down the best way to fight faster and better.

Moreover, every time you use a combo of light attacks, you'll deal insane amounts of damage, and you'll be able to gain more Dynasty XP and increase your level quickly.



Animal Trophy Hunter

Sengoku Dynasty - Best Perks To Unlock

The Animal Trophy Hunter is designed to help you get more benefits from killing your prey, apart from meat, of course. You need to hunt animals to survive in Sengoku Dynasty, but since you'll be doing this anyway, we recommend getting this Perk as soon as you can.

It will help you stockpile fat, pelts, and all kinds of materials. It's worth mentioning that the Animal Trophy Hunter will become more valuable if you unlock it before starting Kengyo's quest, which requires you to do a lot of hunting.

Ranged Attacker

If you want to fight enemies effectively in Sengoku Dynasty, always try to prevent them from getting too close to you. This will allow you to use ranged attacks and deal a lot more damage than usual, as you'll have weapons like bows and thrown yari.

The Ranged Attacker Perk will help you save arrows and kill animals faster. If you don't get this benefit on time, you risk losing your prey as it will have enough time to escape.

Trained Toughness

Even though with time and effort you'll become better at battles than you were at the beginning, there will still be opponents that are too difficult to defeat. That's why it's important to have enough health to survive or escape if you need to. Although many players consider running away from a fight to be dishonorable, this is a good way to avoid respawning.

Trained Toughness will give you additional health and more opportunities to protect yourself effectively. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Sengoku Dynasty, you can check out this article.
