In the vast expanse of Starfield, Nutrient emerges as a crucial resource, particularly for those delving into the creation of weapon and armor modifications. This ubiquitous material finds its utility in numerous game recipes, making it an essential commodity.
Nutrient serves a singular purpose within the game – crafting. Due to this exclusive role, it's advisable to retain Nutrient in your inventory, even if you don't require it immediately. Chances are, you'll stumble upon a recipe necessitating Nutrient, so having it readily available proves prudent.

Thankfully, Nutrient is a resource readily accessible through most vendors in the game. While numerous vendors stock Nutrient, you can reliably find it at the following locations:
- Jemison Mercantile
- Denis Averon
These vendors consistently offer Nutrient in their inventory during every visit. However, this doesn't limit your options. Explore the vendors in various cities and settlements, and you'll likely encounter Nutrient in stock.
Should you opt to purchase Nutrient, it typically costs 5 Credits per unit.
For those inclined to gather Nutrient from the game's natural sources, you can embark on a wilderness expedition from any hub. Activate your Scanner to identify plants harboring Nutrient. Approach these plants and initiate interaction to harvest Nutrient. Keep in mind that each interaction yields a single unit of Nutrient, so accumulating a substantial amount may require some effort.
For guaranteed Nutrient findings, consider exploring the area around Paradiso, situated in the Olympus system on Porrima II. Abundant Nutrient-bearing plants await just outside the resort's walls, offering you a bountiful supply.
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