The SUPERVIVE Open Beta is finally here and thousands of players are already flocking to give this new MOBA meets Battle Royale game a try. Not only did SUPERVIVE amass quite the following during its demo, but it sparked a lot of interest from renown MOBA pro players and casters, making it the most played demo on Steam this year.
Having that in mind, we will go over the abilities of Shiv so you can get up to speed and give her a try in your next game if you feel like this could be your main.
Shiv Abilities

Shiv is a flawless point-blank duelist that excels in short quarter combat whilst dual-wielding two powerful pistols. Positioning is key to success and Shiv has some tricks up her sleeve to help her get close and personal with any enemy standing in her way.

Arcslinger [LMB] 0.4s

- You will be constantly attacking your enemies so you can get up your Passive stacks.

Master Assassin [Passive]
- A great way of sustaining long fights, especially if your team has decent crowd control.

Chain Bolas [RMB] 13s
- A great engage tool that can catch anybody off-guard.

Quickflip [Shift] 6.5s
- You will be constantly dashing to-and-fro so make sure to land your Empowered shots to keep up the momentum.

Farstep Dagger [Q] 20s
- This ability will allow you to either harass your opponents without risking going all in or bait enemy abilities.

Fusillade [R] 40s
- If your team has enough to crowd control, then the amount of damage you can deal with your ultimate is game-deciding in most instances.
- You can also check out our article on the team behind SUPERVIVE, here.