Surprise Nerf for Bastion in Overwatch 2: September 21 Hotfix Patch

Overwatch 2 players were greeted with an unexpected hotfix patch on September 21, and it appears that the target of these changes is the formidable Omnic DPS hero, Bastion.


Bastion has been a force to be reckoned with in Overwatch, whether it's the ranked ladder or professional play. This dominance can be attributed to a series of buffs that boosted his survivability and damage at the start of Season 6.

Despite some attempts to curb his damage potential with nerfs in the mid-season update, Bastion has continued to hold a significant place in the meta, particularly as the 2023 OWL playoffs approach.

Unexpected Changes for Bastion

In this surprise hotfix, developers have set their sights on Bastion once again, specifically addressing one of the buffs that made him too potent against dive compositions.

Bastion nerfed in hotfix

Reconfiguring Bastion's Abilities

On September 21, Overwatch 2 received a small update solely dedicated to adjustments for Bastion. The patch notes reveal that Bastion's Reconfigure ability will no longer restore armor when he transforms.

Previously, shifting into Configuration: Assault would replenish 50 points of armor, significantly increasing Bastion's durability and capacity to endure attacks.

Understanding the Reasoning Behind the Nerf

The developers explained their decision, highlighting that Bastion's self-healing during transformation became exceptionally powerful when combined with the Ironclad passive and armor damage reduction. This made him overly capable of surviving enemy ambushes and dive strategies.

With this change, Bastion becomes more vulnerable during his transformation, offering opponents opportunities to target him effectively. It also encourages players using Bastion to be more cautious when utilizing this ability.

Bastion firing his artillery form in Overwatch 2

Impact on Bastion's Role in the Meta

Regrettably for Bastion enthusiasts, this adjustment may mark the end of his dominance in the meta. The future balance of the game, particularly in Season 7, remains uncertain, and it will be interesting to see how developers approach hero adjustments.

Season 7 of Overwatch 2 promises further changes, including a Sombra rework and a revamp for Roadhog at the midway point. These updates are expected to bring new abilities to the game, potentially reshaping the current meta landscape.