The second season of House of the Dragon is coming to its end, but the war is getting more intense than ever. Right now, we have more dragons in the show than ever before, and you might be surprised that more of them are coming in the next episode as well.
The promo for Episode 8 revealed a dragon that all fans of the books have been waiting to see. You might not have noticed it, but we got a glimpse of Tessarion in the trailer. Find out more about this dragon, its rider, and its role in the war.
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Who is Tessarion?

Tessarion is a female dragon, also known as the Blue Queen, named for her blue scales. Her claws, crest, and belly are copper-colored, which adds to her outstanding appearance. What makes Tessarion unique are her cobalt-colored flames, which no other dragon possesses.
Tessarion was born around 120 AC and reached her fighting potential by 129 AC. She was about 9 years old when she became one of the fighting dragons for the Greens, participating in the Dance of the Dragons. She is still the youngest dragon among Aegon II's supporters, making her younger than Vhagar, Dreamfyre, and Sunfyre. In terms of size, Tessarion is about as big as Seasmoke and Sunfyre.
Tessarion's Rider: Daeron Targaryen

Tessarion only ever had one rider: Prince Daeron Targaryen. In case you have forgotten, Daeron is the fourth child of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower. He is a little older than Rhaenyra's first son, Jacaerys Velaryon. It is said that King Viserys asked for the two boys to share a nurse, hoping that would make them closer. However, later on, Daeron comes to resent his cousins, just like his siblings.
We have yet to see Daeron in House of the Dragon, even though he has been mentioned a few times. In the books, he became a cupbearer and squire to Alicent's cousin, Lord Ormund Hightower, at twelve years old. However, Daeron has a significant role in the upcoming events in the Dance of the Dragons, making his appearance inevitable sooner or later.
Tessarion's Role in HOTD Books & Series

Keep in mind that we will be mentioning some spoilers here.
Tessarion participates in some major upcoming battles in the Dance of the Dragons. Together with her rider, Tessarion contributes greatly to the Greens and their power in this conflict.
The trailer for the Season 2 finale showed Tessarion joining the fight. As we know from the books, and as confirmed by the trailer, we are about to see the Greens attacking and claiming Harrenhal and Stone Hedge. This is followed by the important Battle of the Honeywine. Tessarion and Daeron will become a leading power for the Greens from this point on. Without revealing anything more, all you need to know is that this young dragon and her rider are a force to be feared.
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- All Dragons in House of the Dragon Season 1 and Season 2
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