TFT Set 12 is here! The release of the new magical set comes with Patch 14.15! We are getting a ton of new cosmetics and mechanics that will contribute to the unique feel of the set. The new patch introduces many important and cool changes, including updates to the system, augments, portals, and more. Check out everything you need to know as you dive into the Magic n’ Mayhem set!
Table of Contents
System Changes
- 2/2/6/10/20/36/48/80/80 ⇒ 2/2/6/10/20/36/48/76/76
Bag Sizes
- 1-costs: 22 ⇒ 30
- 2-costs: 20 ⇒ 25
- 3-costs: 17 ⇒ 18
- 4-costs: 10 (unchanged)
- 5-costs: 9 (unchanged)
- Magic n’ Mayhem contains an extra 1-cost champion compared to previous sets for a total of 14 1-costs and 60 total champions.
- Mana gained above max Mana from sources besides taking damage is now granted after the cast. Note this does NOT affect Mana gained while mana-locked, only the instance that puts you over. Example: a 0/40 unit with Spear of Shojin would gain 5 Mana after their first cast, as the attack that triggered their cast will carry over the additional 5 Mana now.
- Shielded units now gain the correct amount of Mana from taking damage (previously, they gained much less than intended). Note that units are mana-locked when self-shielded, so this mainly affects items like Locket of the Iron Solari and Crownguard.

All "Sentinels" have been renamed to "Golems"
PVE Monsters
- Standard PVE Monsters are now inspectable (Minions, Krugs, etc.).
Elder Dragon
- Health: 12000 ⇒ 10000
- Armor: 0 ⇒ 50
- MR: 0 ⇒ 50
- MR: 0 ⇒ 10
Murk Wolves
- Big Wolf Health: 1100 ⇒ 1300
- Small Wolf Health: 360 ⇒ 550
- Murk Wolves Armor: 25 ⇒ 15
- Murk Wolves MR: 0 ⇒ 15
- Armor: 1 ⇒ 25
- MR: 0 ⇒ 25
Rift Herald
- No longer takes 20% less damage from attacks
- Armor: 50 ⇒ 100
- MR: 0 ⇒ 100
Inspect Panel
Now the Inspect Panel Includes new stats:
- Omnivamp
- Damage Amp
- Durability
- Rerolls are now consumable. You can save up and are shown on screen.

Removed Portals
- Vendor Sentinels
- Lethal Legends
- Larger Legends
New and Returning Portals
- Loaded Carousels: Champions on the carousel hold 2 items instead of 1.
- Treasure Armory: On stage 4-7, choose a 5-piece package of powerful loot. (8-1 on Hyper Roll)
- NEW: Treasure Golems: Start with a Golem permanently equipped with an Unstable Treasure Chest. At stage 3-5, the Golem equips another one (7-1 on Hyper Roll).
- NEW: Overachievers: Powerful Charms may appear earlier in the game.
- NEW: Castfest: Charms cost 50% less this game

Removed Augments
- Switching Gears
- Harmacist I
- Healings Orbs I
- Best Friends I
- Pick of the Litter
- Pick of the Litter+
- Gargantuan Resolve
- Fully Adapted
- Heavy Hitters
- Buried Treasures II
- Cybernetic Uplink II
- Cybernetic Bulk II
- Idealism
- Harmacist II
- Healing Orbs II
- Lucky Streak
- Shock Treatment
- A Cut Above
- Stationary Support II
- Jeweled Lotus I
- Gifts From The Fallen
- Know Your Enemy
- Best Friends II
- Tons of Stats!
- Low Interest Rates
- Dynamic Duo
- Too Much Candy
- Cybernetic Uplink III
- Cybernetic Bulk III
- Trash to Treasure
- Two For One
- Harmacist III
- Starter Kit
- Overwhelming Force
- Unleashed Arcana
- Stationary Support III
- Salvage Bin
- Salvage Bin+
- Jeweled Lotus II
- Ba-Boom
- Hedge Fund+
- Hedge Fund++
- Accomplice
Returning Augments
- Pandora’s Bench
- Spoils of War I
- Spoils of War II
- Spoils of War III
- What The Forge
- At What Cost
New Augments
There are over 140 new Augments coming to TFT with the Magic n’ Mayhem Set. In previous TFT sets, the high-risk, high-reward playstyles were tied to specific traits. This often led to a repetitive playstyle throughout different sets, where players would play a weak board and lose HP early for a spike in power after the cash-out in the late game. For this set, the developers want to move this mechanic away from traits and tie it to Augments. This will allow for much more variety in viable playstyles.
Fortune Favors The Bold (Gold): Whenever you win player combat, get a loot orb. Contents improve for each consecutive loss before the win. We heard your calls for the original Fortune from Fates. Well, here it is.
Trait Tracker (Gold): The first time you end player combat with 7 different traits, gain 5 random emblems. We're introducing more varieties of High-Stakes gameplay, but not every High-Stakes Augment will be game-winning cashouts. This is one of our first experiments with "medium-tier" cashouts that reward you for playing in a unique playstyle.
An Upgraded Adventure (Prismatic): After upgrading 4 champions to 3-star, gain a magnificent reward. Gain 4 1-cost units. Let the RErollers get REwarded!
The Golden Ratio (Gold): When you start the turn with at least 161.8 gold, gain a 2-star 5-cost equipped with items. In another twist, The Golden Ratio payout isn't that random, but the high moment is understanding how well you use your piles of gold to best fit your two star 5-cost. Surely you won’t get dizzy, right?
Playstyle-Changing Augments:
- Anger Issues (Prismatic): All your current and future completed items transform into Guinsoo's Rageblades that grant 35 Armor and Magic Resist. Each stack also grants 1% Attack Damage and Ability Power. All your items become Rageblades. If you find itemizing hard, look no further!
- Invested (Prismatic): Gain 16 gold. At the start of every round, gain 1 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 100 gold). Invested has a + and a ++ version of the Augment with more base gold when offered as your second or third Augment choice. A twist on Hedge Fund. While Hedge Fund lets you stack infinite gold, Invested lets you turn that gold into even more PERMANENT free rerolls. When will you use these? Well, some say the perfect number is 100 free rerolls on level 9, but I always end up saving them for the next game… 8*(
- Replication (Gold): Choose 1 of 3 components. For the next 2 rounds, gain another copy of that component. Just a simple Augment with a lot of cool combinations.
- Placebo (Silver): Your team gains 1% Attack Speed. Gain 10 gold. It's a placebo-diff
- Worth The Wait (Gold): Gain a random 1-cost. After 4 rounds, gain a copy of that champion at the beginning of each round for the rest of the game. Yes, you do get 99 copies if you live 99 rounds. Good luck.
- Flexible (Prismatic): Gain 1 random emblem. At the start of every Stage, gain a random Emblem. For each Emblem equipped, your team gains 40 Health. For our Emblem lovers, we have the perfect Augment. Each stage you’ll get a random Emblem to shape your team around. Your power spike is Stage 6, trust.
- I'm The Carry Now (Prismatic): Get a Sentinel with tailored offensive items that upgrade as the game progresses. This one is for all the Tacticians who get a bit dizzy and need an Augment to tell them exactly how to play—please don’t just be me. With I’m The Carry Now, you’ll get a Sentinel that’ll be the core carry of your comp. Time to just build around the cutie.

- Vertical Augments:
- Frosty Frontline (Gold): The Frost trait also grants 1 placeable Frost Statue equipped with Eternal Winter. The first time it would die, it instead regenerates over 6 seconds if an ally is alive. Gain a Warwick and a Zilean. Eternal Winter, meet eternal life!
- School Mascot (Gold): The Eldritch summon is equipped with beneficial items. The summon gains a bonus 10% Health and 25 Ability Power. Gain an Elise and a Syndra. Tainted Golem: Spirit Visage, The Dark Monolith: Bloodthirster + Rabadon’s Deathcap, The Many-Eyed Beast: Bloodthirster + Rabadon’s Deathcap, The Stormbringer: Radiant Items. Cause who said an Old God couldn’t use a few new tricks?
- Portal Delivery Service (Gold): Gain a Galio and a Zoe. At the start of each round, gain a random 1-3 cost Portal champion. If you loved Yordle from Gizmos & Gadgets, this Portal Augment will deliver… through Portals.
Champion Augments:
- Deja Vu (Gold): Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio gains 3 range and gains 15 Mana and 8 Ability Power per attack. His Ability deals 150% damage but no longer Stuns or reduces damage. Champion Augments are a great time to give a small nod to past sets. For those of you around during Dragonlands, Galio has become our favorite of the ranged Dragons.
- Witchy Wallops (Gold): Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's Ability no longer shields but strikes 3 times, dealing 80% of the original damage. If anyone remembers the horrors of Candyland Poppy, a popular reroll comp in Galaxies, this Augment will bring back your healthy fear of this buckler-wielding, hammer-smashing, face-annihilating tiny Yordle.
- Spin To Win (Gold): Gain 2 Wukongs. Your strongest Wukong's Ability scales with Attack Damage instead of resistances. He gains 30% Attack Damage and 30% Attack Speed after each cast. As our sets evolve, so do our Augments. Here's our first try at a 3-cost Champion Augment since Monsters Attack! Each time Wukong spins, he'll ramp up into a fast-attacking BONK machine.
Items Changes

Core and Radient Items
Warmog’s Armor
- Bonus Health: 8% ⇒ 12%
Warmog’s Pride (Radiant)
- Bonus HP: 15% ⇒ 20%
- Healing per second: 1% ⇒ 1.5%
Artifact Items
- Diamond Hands has been removed from Artifact pool
Mogul’s Mail
- Returned to Artifact pool
- After reaching max stacks, continue gaining 1 gold every 6 seconds.
- Stack Cap: 40 ⇒ 35
- Health Per Stack: 6 ⇒ 7
- Gold on Max Stacks: 2 ⇒ 1
Support Items
Needlessly Big Gem
- Health: 300 ⇒ 250
- Needlessly Big Gem is no longer Unique
- Your team deals 10% bonus damage. Each second the holder is alive, your team deals an additional 1% bonus damage, up to a total of 25%.
- Combat start: The holder and all adjacent allies gain 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power. When this unit dies, Stun all enemies within 2-hexes for 2 seconds.
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