The Best Controller Settings in The Finals

Here's a quick guide that will show you the best settings for controller in The Finals.

The Best Controller Settings in The Finals
Embark Studios

The Finals, a fast-paced first-person shooter, requires precise aiming to succeed. While playing with a controller offers Aim Assist, mastering the settings is key to taking down numerous enemies. This guide presents the best controller settings for The Finals, ideal for both solo play and crossplay scenarios.



The Best Controller Settings in The Finals

Controller settings can vary from player to player, but here are some baseline settings to start with:

Controller Settings Value
Look Sensitivity Horizontal 180
Look Sensitivity Vertical 90
Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier 60%
Focal Length Sensitivity Scaling On
Horizontal Look Boost 280
Vertical Look Boost 170
Look Boost Ramp-up Time 1
Zoom Horizontal Look Boost 110
Zoom Vertical Look Boost 60
Zoom Look Boost Ramp-up Time 1
Aiming Inner Deadzone 5
Movement Inner Deadzone 15
Invert Vertical Look Input Off
Look Response Curve Sinusoidal
Look Acceleration 0%
Controller Preset Directional Equipping
Sprint Behavior Toggle
Crouch Behavior Hold
Zoom Behavior Hold
Aim Assist On
Sensitivity Reduction On
Target Tracking On
Zoom Snapping On



These settings are intended to provide quick and accurate aiming, as well as a comfortable response to movement and targeting. It's important to test these settings in a practice environment and adjust them according to your play style and comfort.

The Best Controller Settings in The Finals
Embark Studios



Additional Tips for Improved Gameplay

After setting up your controller, consider these additional adjustments for an even better experience:

  • Increase Field of View: Set it to 90 in the Video tab for a wider view of your surroundings.
  • Disable Motion Blur and Lens Distortion: These can be distracting during matches.
The Best Controller Settings in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Enhance Team Communication: In Gameplay settings, turn on "Use enemy team colors."
The Best Controller Settings in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Improve Shooting Accuracy: Enable a Center Dot in the Crosshair section.


The Best Controller Settings in The Finals
Embark Studios

And that concludes our guide on the best controller settings for The Finals. By adjusting these settings, you can improve your aim and reaction time in the game. Remember, these are just starting points – feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

Check out our other guides for The Finals : How To Increase Your FPS, Best Crosshair Settings, The Best Ingame Settings for Max FPS.
