The Finals: The Best Medium Gadgets

Here's a quick guide that will teach you about the best gadgets for the Medium build in The Finals.

The Finals: The Best Medium Gadgets
Embark Studios

In The Finals, every battle is full of surprises, thanks to some really cool gadgets. If you're playing as a medium class character, you've got a bunch of tools that can totally change the game. Let's dive into the best gadgets you can use to outsmart your opponents and win.



The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals


The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Quickly revives teammates, fast recharge.
  • Cons: Using it means stopping to fight, leaving you open to attacks.
  • Use: Instantly brings back teammates in critical moments, balancing the fight.



Glitch Trap

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Disrupts enemy gadgets and abilities.
  • Cons: Needs to be stepped on, ineffective if placed poorly.
  • Use: Reveals hidden enemies, especially effective against light players.




The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Fast travel across gaps, attaches to any surface.
  • Cons: Breaks if the surface is destroyed.
  • Use: Quick movement in complex maps, helps in rushing to objectives.



Explosive Mine

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: High damage upon contact.
  • Cons: Needs several mines to destroy walls; ineffective if the surface breaks.
  • Use: Great for guarding entries and surprising enemies.



Sonar Grenade

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Reveals enemies through obstacles, comes with two grenades.
  • Cons: Only pulses, doesn't constantly track; can be evaded.
  • Use: Scouting multiple floors and rooms for hidden enemies.



Gas Grenade

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Immediate large cloud, high damage.
  • Cons: Can be thrown too far; also affects teammates.
  • Use: Effective for clearing rooms and blinding enemies.



Jump Pad

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: Quick access to high places.
  • Cons: Can be blocked by overhead objects.
  • Use: Useful in chaotic fights or when exits are unclear; can also disorient attackers.



Gas Mine

The Best Medium Gadgets in The Finals
Embark Studios
  • Pros: High damage, creates a large gas cloud over a long duration.
  • Cons: Can harm teammates in the cloud.
  • Use: Ideal for defending objectives and alerting you to enemy presence.



So there you have it, the top gadgets for medium build in The Finals. Each one has its own special trick to help you in fights. Remember, using these gadgets smartly can make a big difference in your game.
