The Talos Principle 2 - How to Immediately Complete or Skip Puzzles

Are you stuck on a puzzle? Don't worry you can instantly complete it by using a special item.

The Talos Principle 2 - How to Immediately Complete or Skip Puzzles
Devolver Digital

In The Talos Principle 2, you'll find lots of puzzles to solve. If they're too tough, you don't have to get upset. This guide tells you how to finish or skip puzzles quickly by using a special item.

Quick Ways to Finish or Skip Puzzles

You can use something called Prometheus Sparks to skip or instantly finish puzzles. Look for round panels called Prometheus Terminals near the entrance of a puzzle room. If you use one, it will ask if you want to spend your Prometheus Sparks.


Prometheus Terminals in The Talos Principle 2.jpg
Devolver Digital

Finding Prometheus Sparks

Prometheus Sparks look like bright orange orbs. They're hidden in levels, and there aren't many of them. Here’s how to find them:


  • Keep your eyes open as you walk around the levels – they could be tucked away in corners or up high on ledges.
  • You can get them by finishing special Monument puzzles. For example, solve the Monument Sprite puzzle on Desolate Island, and you'll get a spark as a prize.
Prometheus Spark in The Talos Principle 2.jpeg
Devolver Digital



Best Time to Use Prometheus Sparks

You might wonder when's the best time to use these sparks since there aren't many and there are so many puzzles. I think you should save them for near the end of the game. You only need to solve eight puzzles in each area, so you can try the extra puzzles if the main ones are too hard.

So, don't rush to use a spark at the beginning. If you save them for later, you'll have plenty when you really need them. This is smart if you hit a tough puzzle or if you want to finish everything the game has to offer.
