With Episode 7 Act 2 just around the corner, Patch 7.04 is set to shake up Valorant. As is customary with significant updates, the new season will introduce a range of alterations to the game, including buffs, nerfs, map changes, and more.
Although the complete patch notes from Riot are yet to be unveiled, players have already begun speculating about adapting to the incoming changes, following the release of a preview.
Key Points from Valorant 7.04 Preview:
Agent Balances:
Jett Nerf: Despite multiple attempts by Riot to balance this duelist, Jett remains a formidable force. In Patch 7.04, she will be limited to one Updraft. Her ultimate points will increase from 7 to 8, Cloudburst's duration will decrease from 4.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds, and Dash's window will shrink from 12 seconds to 7.5 seconds.
Astra Balance: Astra will experience further adjustments in Episode 7 Act 2. Nova Pulse's startup time will be reduced from 1.25 to 1 second. Gravity Well's startup time, on the other hand, will be extended from 0.6 to 1.25 seconds. Additionally, Cosmic Divide will now effectively block sounds from the opposite side.
Skye Tweaks: Skye's abilities will be fine-tuned. Guiding Light's maximum casting duration will decrease from 2.5 seconds to 2 seconds, Trailblazer's health will drop from 100 to 80, and Seekers' HP will be reduced from 150 to 120. Skye's ultimate points requirement will increase to 8.
Breach Adjustments: Aftershock's ticks will be reduced to 2 from 3, while damage per tick will rise to 80 from 60. Breach's ultimate point requirement will also increase to 9.
Minor Balancing: Various other agents will undergo minor adjustments, including Brimstone, Fade, Gekko, Killjoy, Omen, Sova, and Viper.
Credit: Riot Games
For the comprehensive preview of the Valorant 7.04 patch notes provided by Riot Games, please see below:
Valorant introduces challenging decisions involving enemy utility interactions - aiming, dodging, and timing actions for optimal effect. We aim to offer players the possibility of making better plays through faster, smarter actions. However, certain interactions, particularly with larger-scale ultimates or multiple utility pieces, have caused overload and uncertainty. In Patch 7.04, we prioritize game state clarity with adjustments that include:
- Reduced frequency of large area-of-effect ultimates.
- Decreased active duration of utility.
- Reduced shootable utility hit points.
We also revise Ultimate costs to align high-impact ults with the pressure they impose on enemies, fostering a balanced choice competition between high and low-cost ults. These subtle changes collectively enhance game state clarity and emphasize the significance of skill. —June Cuervo, Agent Designer
Aftershock (C):
- Ticks reduced from 3 to 2.
- Damage increased from 60 per tick to 80.
Rolling Thunder (X):
- Ultimate points increased 8>>>9.
- Orbital Strike (X):
- Ultimate points increased 7>>>8.
- Prowler (C):
- Slightly increased time to re-equip gun after using the ability.
Mosh Pit (C):
- Impacted area deals 10 damage per second before exploding.
Wingman (Q):
- HP reduced 100>>>80.
Thrash (X):
- Improved explosion visualization for better area comprehension.
- Lockdown (X):
- Ultimate points increased 8>>>9.
- Paranoia (Q):
- No movement velocity imparted when casting.
Skye's recon and space-taking abilities have made her a cornerstone of the current meta. These changes aim to balance her by addressing her versatility. Guiding Light info range is reduced, and the flash duration reduction when flying long distances adds counterplay. Reduced health for Trailblazer and Seekers enhance enemies' ability to counter them. Skye's ultimate cost increases to match its value.
Guiding Light (E):
- Max duration while casting reduced 2.5s >>> 2s.
Trailblazer (Q):
- HP reduced 100 >>> 80.
Seekers (X):
- Ultimate Points increased 7 >>> 8.
- Seeker Health decreased 150 >>> 120.
- Recon Bolt (E):
- Total number of scans reduced 3 >>> 2.
- Viper’s Pit (X):
- Ultimate points increased 8 >>> 9.
To balance Gravity Well and Nova Pulse, we distinguish clear use cases: Gravity Well for space control, Nova Pulse for quick area impact. Cosmic Divide adjustments provide clarity in game state and wall-related sounds. This refines Astra's gameplay, making interactions clear for her team and opponents.
Gravity Well (C):
- Startup time increased 0.6 >>> 1.25.
- Gravity time duration decreased 2.75 >>> 2.0.
Nova Pulse (Q):
- Startup time decreased from 1.25 >>> 1.0.
Cosmic Divide (X):
- Audio completely blocked by the wall.
Jett remains a strong presence in competitive play. Adjustments aim to maintain her aggressive, high-precision Duelist identity, while refining ability usage and power windows. These changes align her with other Agents, without compromising her unique role. Context for each change supports these goals:
Tailwind (E):
- Dash window decreased 12s >>> 7.5s.
- Activation windup increased 0.75s >>> 1s.
Cloudburst (C):
- Duration decreased 4.5s >>> 2.5s.
- Time to re-equip gun takes slightly longer after using the ability.
Updraft (Q):
- Charges decreased 2 >>> 1.
Blade Storm (X):
- Ultimate points increased 7 >>> 8.