Valorant Patch 9.0 - Reviews & Bugs

Valorant Patch 9.0 is here and fans are already flooding the internet with comments about the new additions and the bugs they discovered. Let's dive in!

Valorant Patch 9.0 - Reviews & Bugs
Riot Games

Valorant Patch 9.0 finally dropped on June 25, 2024, and we are happy to announce that the most important issues from Patch 8.11 have been fixed. Iso was buffed to no end, and thankfully, Riot Games considered all the complaints and nerfed the Agent immediately. Moreover, there were some unintentional buffs, such as Neon's aerial accuracy, and a few bugs and glitches in the new map, Abyss.

Patch 9.0 also brought some additional changes to the table, and although they aren't as major as the ones in the previous update, they are still valuable, and there are definitely some differences in the overall gameplay experience. In addition to the fixes from Patch 8.11, Riot Games also made some other improvements that people have been expecting for a while now. Keep reading to find out more about the most important changes, bugs, and user reviews for Valorant Patch 9.0!



Valorant Patch 9.0 Iso Nerfs Reviews

Riot Games

Let's be honest. Iso was one of the biggest issues in Patch 8.11. Fortunately, his Double Tap (E) has been significantly reduced, going from 20 seconds to 12 seconds, and his signature kill reset has been removed. When the previous update was released, Valorant fans realized that Iso had become unstoppable, and a large portion of the players are more than happy now that Iso has been nerfed in Patch 9.0.

Iso was relevant for 2 weeks, back to the gutter you go, back to Jett, Reyna, and Raze every match, I really love this!

Reddit user, KasumiGotoTriss

There's always another side of the coin, though. Other players weren't so happy about Iso getting nerfed in Patch 9.0, and they commented that he used to be very fun in Patch 8.11, and they wished they could play this Agent the way they used to. There is also some confusion as to why Iso's nerfs are only on PC, but the update is simply coming to Valorant Console later on July 9, 2024.



Valorant Patch 9.0 Bugs

Riot Games

As with most updates, Patch 9.0 could not deliver all the expected changes and improvements at once. Apart from the complaints about old issues, there were some problems discovered with the recently added team and party voice feature. Valorant Patch 9.0 allowed players to manage team and party voice on the fly, with a Voice Chat added to the Settings page, so the mic and voice settings can be adjusted according to one's personal setup. However, fans have already spotted a bug there.

There is sometimes a delay between the moment I press the push to talk button and the moment my icon appears (that's when it shows that I can talk and everyone can hear me). This bug occurs every single time without fail.

Reddit user, XGIDS

Although there were many other users who confirmed the issue, there aren't any other major problems for now. People are a little bit nervous about playing Abyss on Valorant Console, though, and this is one of the most major discussions surrounding the new Patch 9.0 currently. However, we're sure that after some practice, everyone will start getting used to trying not to fall off the edge. For more information about Valorant, you can check out this article.
