Valorant Patch Notes 8.04: Premier Updates, Bug Fixes & More

Valorant's 8.04 patch brings Premier mode updates, Esports Hub improvements, and key bug fixes ahead of Masters Madrid 2024.

Valorant Patch Notes 8.04: Premier Updates, Bug Fixes & More
Valorant Patch Notes 8.04: Premier Updates, Bug Fixes & More

The latest Valorant patch brings impactful changes to the Premier competitive mode along with other updates and fixes. We break down these changes and other fixes launching shortly before the next stage of competition kicks off. 

Valorant Patch Notes 8.04

Premier Format Changes

Premier Format Changes
Premier Format Changes

Riot introduced some key adjustments to the Premier tournament system.  Provisional skill divisions also update dynamically based on the roster and selected zone.

Other Premier changes include:

  • Rematch protection in weekly matches
  • Limit of 2 matches per week per player

These modifications aim to improve flexibility for teams while maintaining competitive integrity.





Agent & Gameplay Fixes

Agent & Gameplay Fixes
Agent & Gameplay Fixes

On the Agent front, Riot addressed bugs with KAY/O’s E ability providing inaccurate info occasionally. They also resolved unintended behaviors related to Sage’s revive and orb. Small fixes went out for the minimap, gameplay systems, and Premier mode too.

Some highlighted bug fixes include:

  • Inaccurate KAY/O E ability feedback
  • Being moved after Sage revive
  • Bullets penetrating Sage barrier orb
  • Premier mode user interface bugs





While no major balance changes or new content were released in patch 8.04, the Premier and esports improvements bring valuable updates to Valorant just ahead of the next competition stage.

Note: Read the complete Valorant Patch notes 8.04 here.
